2024 Final Attendee List

Savannah 2024 Attendee & Exhibit Staff
**Beware of Scammers!! Disregard any calls or emails with solicitations for hotel rooms or attendee lists**
Final as of June 27
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Company | State | First Name | Last Ini... | Job Title | Registration Date | Badge | |
1 | 3V Tech USA | NC | Tom | Bak... | Technical Sales Manager | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
2 | 3V Tech USA | NC | Louis | Cin... | Sales Manager | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
3 | 3V Tech USA | NC | Daniele | Ped... | VP of Sales Equipment Division | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
4 | 5-15 Industrial Resources | TX | John | Wal... | President | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
5 | A.S. Plastics Technology | PA | Devin | Col... | Regional Sales Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
6 | A.S. Plastics Technology | PA | Nico | Fis... | Business Development Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
7 | Aaron Engel Consulting | SC | Aaron | Eng... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
8 | Aaron Equipment Company | IL | Anthony | Tuf... | Sales Manager | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
9 | Aarti USA Inc | NJ | Ranjan | Sin... | President | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
10 | AC Controls Company | NC | Joshua | Mae... | Account Manager | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
11 | AC Controls Company | SC | Sean | Ruz | Account Manager | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
12 | Access Chemicals & Services | TX | Troy | Nor... | Sales Manager | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
13 | Access Chemicals & Services | TX | Courtney | Pyt... | President | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
14 | Access Chemicals & Services | TX | Jordan | Sto... | Director of Sales | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
15 | ACCESS Rudolf Technologies | SC | Chris | Haa... | Business and Development Direct | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
16 | ACCESS Rudolf Technologies | SC | Diana | Sav... | Director | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
17 | Acme-Hardesty | PA | Rishabh | Sha... | Director of Technology | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
18 | Acme-Hardesty Co. | PA | John | Ras... | Sr Regional Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
19 | Actalent Services | SC | David | Liv... | National Business Development | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
20 | Action Enterprise Logistics | AL | Amber | Ste... | National Sales Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
21 | Action Resources Inc. | AL | Jeff | Fre... | Vice President of Sales | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
22 | Actylis | NY | Frank | Bar... | Director of Marketing | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
23 | Actylis | NY | Cliffton | Bob... | Director, Sales | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
24 | Actylis | NY | Ashley | Bow... | Operational Commodity Manager | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
25 | Actylis | NY | Scott | Her... | Sr. Account Manager | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
26 | Actylis | NY | Gerard | Mc ... | VP, Specialty Chemicals | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
27 | Actylis | NY | Robert | Moe... | Chemist | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
28 | ADAMA NA | NC | Cyndi | Wri... | NA Procurement Manager | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
29 | Adesis | DE | Paul | Vai... | Regional Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
30 | Adesis Inc. | DE | Nicholas | Bar... | Regional Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
31 | Adesis, Inc. | DE | Samantha | Str... | Business Development | 06/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
32 | Adhesive & Sealant Council | MO | brian | pet... | membership director | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
33 | ADI chemtech | GA | Jyoti | Kha... | Principal | 06/15/2024 | Attendee |
34 | Adisseo | France | Frederic | Ang... | COO | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
35 | Adjuvants Unlimited | TN | Stephen | Ben... | Lab Manager | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
36 | Adjuvants Unlimited | OK | Tom | McA... | Commercial Development Manag | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
37 | Adjuvants Unlimited, LLC | OK | Dan | Kar... | Vice President | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
38 | Adjuvants Unlimited, LLC | GA | Michael | Pom... | Director, Commercial Developme | 02/24/2024 | Attendee |
39 | ADM | IN | Darrell | Che... | Technical Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
40 | ADM | IN | Cory | Reh... | Account Manager | 03/21/2024 | Attendee |
41 | Admix, Inc. | NH | Tom | Ing... | Regional Sales Manager - Chemic | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
42 | Admix, Inc. | NH | Shawn | McM... | Regional Sales Manager - Chemic | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
43 | Admix, Inc. | NH | Santino | Zin... | Director of Sales | 05/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
44 | Advanced Chemical Concepts | MI | Rodney | Cum... | Chief Operating Officer | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
45 | Advanced Chemical Concepts | MI | Christopher | Mon... | Chemist / Production Manager | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
46 | Advanced Chemical Concepts | MI | John | Rus... | Vice President of Sales & Marketi | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
47 | Advanced Chemical Concepts | MI | Craig | Tun... | President | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
48 | Advanced Polymer Coatings | OH | Andrew | Kos... | Key Account Manager | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
49 | AdvanSix | KS | Brett | Kla... | Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
50 | AdvanSix | VA | Erika | Mil... | Technology Lead Engineer: Growt | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
51 | AdvanSix - US Amines | NJ | Clay | Ste... | Commercial Director | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
52 | Advent Silica Materials LLC | NJ | Tommy | Wan... | Founder | 03/21/2024 | Attendee |
53 | Aether Industries Limited | India | Aman | Des... | Director | 09/13/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
54 | Aether Industries Limited | India | Michelle | Pog... | US Business Development Manag | 09/13/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
55 | Aether Industries Limited | India | Jim | Rin... | US Business Development Leader | 09/13/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
56 | Aether Industries Limited | India | Ray | Roa... | US Business Development Leader | 09/13/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
57 | Agilis | GA | Dillon | Kol... | Head of Sales | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
58 | AgraForm | MO | Doug | Bas... | Vice President | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
59 | AgraForm | MO | Brian | Isg... | Production Manager | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
60 | AgraForm, LLC | MO | Ron | Cun... | President | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
61 | AgraForm, LLC | MO | William | McV... | Plant Engineer | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
62 | AgriBusiness Global | OH | Renee | Tar... | Editor | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
63 | AgroSource, Inc | FL | Evan | Koe... | Operations Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
64 | Ajay North America | GA | Ryan | Car... | Sales Manager | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
65 | Ajay North America | GA | Sabrina | Dav... | Executive Vice President | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
66 | AKPA Kimya Ambalaj San. Tic. | Türkiye | Kemal | DAR... | General Manager | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
67 | AKPA Kimya Ambalaj San. Tic. | Türkiye | Ryan Okan | One... | North America Business Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
68 | Alabama Power Company | AL | Chris | May... | Economic Development | 03/20/2024 | Attendee |
69 | Albaugh | IA | Travis | Hes... | Purchasing & Tolling Manager | 04/04/2024 | Attendee |
70 | Albaugh | IA | Nathan | Tje... | Global Supply Chain Manager | 03/12/2024 | Attendee |
71 | Albaugh, LLC | MO | Jamin | Syb... | Compliance/QA Manager | 04/19/2024 | Attendee |
72 | Alinea Chemical Solutions | SC | Angela | Ari... | Business Development Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
73 | AllChem Industries | TN | Jim | Wak... | Southeast Sales Manager | 10/17/2023 | Attendee |
74 | Allchem Services Inc. | TX | John | Wil... | President | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
75 | Allegiance Chemicals | MD | Jim | Kno... | Global VP of Sales | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
76 | Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) | VA | Roselle | Fol... | Senior Director, Business Develop | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
77 | Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) | VA | Jenni | Jen... | Sr. Director, Membership | 02/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
78 | Almamet USA | OH | James | You... | CEO | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
79 | Almamet USA Inc. | PA | Josef | Lin... | Director International Sales | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
80 | ALTIVIA | TX | Tim | Duh... | Vice President - Commercial | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
81 | ALTIVIA | TX | Chuck | Kre... | Manager - Commercial Developm | 03/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
82 | ALTIVIA Specialty Chemicals | TX | John | Tha... | Business Director - Specialty Che | 03/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
83 | ALTOM TRANSPORT | IN | Darren | Ang... | National Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
84 | ALTOM TRANSPORT | IN | Dave | Bes... | Director of Business Developmen | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
85 | Alura inc | NC | Paula | Bar... | CEO | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
86 | Alzchem LLC | GA | Dylan | Duv... | Chemical Sales and Business Deve | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
87 | Alzchem LLC | GA | Jon | Sch... | President | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
88 | Alzchem Trostberg GmbH | Germany | Josef | Nie... | Product Manager | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
89 | Alzchem Trostberg GmbH | Germany | Georg | Wei... | CSO | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
90 | Amalgamated Research LLC | ID | Irma | Arr... | Project Manager | 10/18/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
91 | Amalgamated Research, LLC | ID | Olivia | Glu... | Project Engineer | 10/18/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
92 | Ambit Chemical | MS | Brandon | Bel... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
93 | Amcrest Industries, LLC | TX | Adam | Rav... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
94 | American Custom Drying | NJ | Trevor | Har... | Engineer | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
95 | American Custom Drying | NJ | Karen | Krz... | Account Manager | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
96 | American Distillation, Inc. | NC | Gwendolyn | Man... | Vice President | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
97 | American Distillation, Inc. | NC | Donald | Out... | Operations Manager | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
98 | American Distillation, Inc. | NC | Bob | Sch... | Chemist | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
99 | American Int'l Container-AIC | NJ | Daniel | Bou... | President | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
100 | American Yazaki Corporation | GA | Terry | Mer... | Vice President | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
101 | AmSpec Group | NJ | Bill | Joh... | Vice President Chemicals | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
102 | AmSpec Group | NJ | Jeanie | Str... | Chemicals Marketing Manager | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
103 | Amvac Chemicals | CA | Suneet | Ran... | VP Global Supply Chain & Operati | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
104 | Anchem | Canada | Steve | Gab... | Sales and Purchasing Manager | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
105 | Andritz Separation Tec, Inc. | TX | Steve | Jac... | Sales Manager | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
106 | Andritz Separation, Inc. | TX | Mike | Gei... | VP of Capital Sales | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
107 | Andritz Separation, Inc. | TX | Emily | Par... | Sales | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
108 | Andritz Separation, Inc. | TX | Steve | Ung... | Capital & Aftermarket Manager | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
109 | Anova Tank Monitoring | FL | Adam | Mee... | Account Manager | 03/15/2024 | Attendee |
110 | Aon | NY | Ben | Bur... | VP - Trade Credit | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
111 | Applied Catalysts | SC | Brandi | Gra... | 06/27/2024 | Attendee | |
112 | Applied Catalysts | SC | Robert | Gul... | Technical Manager, Catalysts | 06/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
113 | Applied Catalysts | SC | Ford | Jol... | Development Chemist I | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
114 | Applied Catalysts | SC | Gregory | Tat... | Sr. Chemical Engineer--Catalysts | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
115 | Applied Ceramics | GA | Ray | Jan... | Business Development Man | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
116 | Aquapharm Specialty Chemical | TN | Daniel | San... | Territory Account Manager - Ame | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
117 | Aquaserv | TN | Kevin | Bat... | Operations Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
118 | Aquaserv | TN | Matt | Mar... | VP of Sales & Marketing | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
119 | Aquaserv Inc | TN | Walker | Ben... | Sales Executive / Off-Site Tolling | 04/19/2024 | Attendee |
120 | Aquaspersions | LA | Rakesh | Jan... | Vice President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
121 | Arcadia Chemical | CT | Sujanan | T P | President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
122 | Archer Daniels Midland | IL | Jessica | McA... | Account Manager Industrial Oils | 01/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
123 | Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) | IL | J.D. | Run... | Account Manager | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
124 | Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) | IL | Eric | Vee... | SR. Account Manager | 01/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
125 | Archroma | NC | David | Cla... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
126 | Archroma US | SC | Jack | Smi... | Business Development Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
127 | Archroma, U.S. | SC | Britt | Dav... | Development Team Leader | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
128 | Arclin Amines | GA | Jesse | Cam... | Technical Sales Representative | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
129 | Arclin Amines | WV | Ben | Mur... | Commercial Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
130 | Arham Petrochem | India | Vishal | Aga... | Global Business Development | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
131 | Arichem, LLC | AL | Mike | Owe... | President & CEO | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
132 | Arthur Engineering, LLC | GA | William | Art... | President & Mechanical Engineer | 03/25/2024 | Attendee |
133 | Arthur Engineering, LLC | GA | Anthony | Rai... | Mechanical Engineer / Operation | 03/25/2024 | Attendee |
134 | Arxada | NJ | Ashley | Bue... | Account Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
135 | Asambly Chemicals Co.,Ltd | China | Zhicheng | Hua... | General Manager | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
136 | Ascend Performance Materials | FL | Tyler | Boc... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
137 | Ascend Performance Materials | TX | Stephen | Cru... | Business Development Manger | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
138 | Ascend Performance Materials | AL | Sanjay | Dub... | Senior Engineering Leader | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
139 | Ascend Performance Materials | TX | Sara | Kla... | Technology Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
140 | Ascend Performance Materials | TX | Shan | McK... | Business Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
141 | Ascend Performance Materials | TX | Tom | Wil... | Business Development Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
142 | ASCENT CHEMICALS | TN | Alex | Fid... | Business Operations Manager | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
143 | Ascent Chemicals | TN | Christian | Hog... | Director of Strategic Marketing | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
144 | Ascent Chemicals | TN | Laura | Joh... | Director of New Business Develo | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
145 | Ascent Chemicals | TN | Duc | Le | Senior Director of Strategic Sourc | 06/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
146 | Ascent Chemicals | TN | Harshil | Sha... | VP, Business Operations | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
147 | Ascent Chemicals | TN | Trey | Tur... | Director of Custom Manufacturin | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
148 | Ascent Industries | IL | Bryan | Kit... | CEO | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
149 | Ascentium Capital | AZ | Fredric | Fia... | Vendor Relationship Manager II | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
150 | Ashland Inc. | NJ | Jean | Gul... | Business Director | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
151 | Ashland LLC, Crop Care | NC | Tim | Bau... | Sales | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
152 | ASTEC | TN | Chris | Hor... | Regional Sales Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
153 | ASTEC | TN | Adriano | San... | Sales Director | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
154 | Astra Instrustry | SC | Mack | Lea... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
155 | Asynt Inc. | CA | Rob | Mad... | CEO | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
156 | ATLANTA QUIMICA | Mexico | ULISES | SIL... | managing director | 03/29/2024 | Attendee |
157 | Atradius Trade Credit Insura | IL | Kerrie | Vuj... | Sr Commercial Underwriter - Bro | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
158 | Atticus | NC | Christina | Pat... | Quality Manager | 02/14/2024 | Attendee |
159 | Atticus LLC | NC | Tim | Cot... | Senior Director, Packaging Engine | 04/25/2024 | Attendee |
160 | Atticus LLC | NC | Chris | Sca... | Procurement Specialist- Packagin | 03/18/2024 | Attendee |
161 | Augusta Fiberglass, Inc. | SC | Nathan | Cra... | Regional Sales | 02/23/2024 | Attendee |
162 | Augusta Fiberglass, Inc. | SC | Steve | Mil... | Regional Sales | 02/23/2024 | Attendee |
163 | Austin Chemical Company | IL | Ethan | Li | Executive Vice President | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
164 | Austin Chemical Company | IL | Samantha | Wig... | Senior Sales and Business Devleo | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
165 | Authentix | TX | Chris | Boy... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
166 | Authentix Inc. | TX | RYAN | REN... | Planning Manager | 04/09/2024 | Attendee |
167 | Authentix, Inc. | TX | Bethany | Aza... | VP, Global Supply Chain | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
168 | AVCHEM NANJING CO., LTD | China | Charles | Zha... | GM | 03/31/2024 | Attendee |
169 | AVN Corporation | WV | JACK | DEV... | CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
170 | AVN Corporation | WV | STEVE | HED... | CHAIRMAN & CEO | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
171 | AVN Corporation | WV | Jeremy | Rad... | Business Development Manager | 10/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
172 | AXS Chemicals | TX | Jay | McH... | Partner | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
173 | AXS Chemicals | TX | Bill | War... | Partner | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
174 | Azelis | LA | Mike | Cag... | Vice President of Sales | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
175 | Azelis A&ES | LA | Bob | Lew... | Area Sales Manager | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
176 | Azelis A&ES | NC | Crystal | Par... | Principal Development Manger | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
177 | Azelis Canada | Canada | Scott | Col... | Sales Manager | 05/01/2024 | Attendee |
178 | Azelis Canada | Canada | Paige | McP... | Account Manager | 05/01/2024 | Attendee |
179 | Azelis H&IC | RI | Siri | Day... | Account Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
180 | Azelis H&IC | TX | Craig | Nel... | Regional Manager | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
181 | AZO Incorporated | TN | Mary | Sch... | Sales | 05/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
182 | AZO, Inc. | TN | Joseph | Sch... | Sales Engineer II - CHEM | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
183 | B&P Littleford | MI | Shawn | Hea... | Global Product Manager | 06/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
184 | B&P Littleford | MI | Charlie | Kro... | * | 06/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
185 | BAAR Technologies LLC | Brazil | Gilmar | Neg... | CEO | 03/30/2024 | Attendee |
186 | Balmoral Advisors LLC | IL | Omar | Dia... | Managing Director | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
187 | Barentz | SC | Shana | McC... | Sr. Vice President, Sales | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
188 | Barentz NA | IL | Susan | Orr | Sales | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
189 | Barge Design Solutions Inc. | TN | Mitesh | Pat... | Senior Process Engineer | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
190 | Barge Design Solutions, Inc. | TN | Dennis | Kni... | Director Process Engineering | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
191 | Barrier Plastics | NC | Ervin | McG... | Director of Sales | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
192 | BASF Canada | Canada | Scott | Hut... | Tolling Supervisor | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
193 | BASF Corporation | MI | Syed | Ash... | Contract Manufacturing Program | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
194 | BASF Corporation | IL | Jeffery | Bat... | Account Manager | 01/19/2024 | Attendee |
195 | BASF Corporation | NC | Larry | Coe | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
196 | BASF Corporation | NC | John | Cou... | Sr. Manufacturing Services Superv | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
197 | BASF Corporation | NC | Kathleen | Dix... | Contract Manufacturing Supervis | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
198 | BASF Corporation | OH | Jennifer | Eck... | Key Account Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
199 | BASF Corporation | NC | Bill | Hen... | Manufacturing Supervisor | 04/21/2024 | Attendee |
200 | BASF Corporation | NC | Mark | Kea... | Strategic Sourcing Manager | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
201 | BASF Corporation | NC | ROBERT | KUR... | Global Sourcing | 02/27/2024 | Attendee |
202 | BASF Corporation | NJ | Rob | Lev... | Sr Manager, Contract Manufactur | 04/17/2024 | Attendee |
203 | BASF Corporation | NC | Hector | Mat... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
204 | BASF Corporation | NC | Brendan | McA... | Manufacturing Services Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
205 | BASF Corporation | MI | Amanda | McC... | NA Sourcing & Contract Manufac | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
206 | BASF Corporation | NC | Tori | Mon... | Material Planning & Sourcing | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
207 | BASF Corporation | NJ | Martin | Nes... | Global Category Buyer | 03/11/2024 | Attendee |
208 | BASF Corporation | NC | Erich | Oak... | Global Sourcing and Contracting | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
209 | BASF Corporation | NJ | Kwadwo | Owu... | Head of Marketing | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
210 | BASF Corporation | Canada | Steve | Pla... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
211 | BASF Corporation | NC | Bhaskar | Ram... | Crop Formulations | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
212 | BASF Corporation | NJ | Edson | Ram... | Key Account Manager | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
213 | BASF Corporation | NC | John | Res... | Biological Manufacturing Technol | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
214 | BASF Corporation | NC | Larry | Rys | Global Sourcing and Contracting | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
215 | BassTech International | NJ | Nolan | Kas... | Product Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
216 | Bayer CropScience | MO | Greg | Her... | Bayer Purchasing | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
217 | Bayer CropScience | MO | Doug | Mat... | Packaging Technology Lead | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
218 | BCS | GA | Harry | Col... | VP - Sales | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
219 | BCS | GA | Luke | Dam... | Product Manager | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
220 | BCS | GA | Jonathan | Den... | VP - Operations | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
221 | BCS | GA | Abigail | Gib... | Marketing Analyst | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
222 | BCS | GA | Nick | Mah... | Technical Sales Representative | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
223 | BCS | GA | Melissa | McW... | Makreting Manager | 03/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
224 | BdV Behrens US LLC | TX | Soren | Bec... | Managing Director | 03/14/2024 | Attendee |
225 | Bedoukian Research | CT | Juan | De ... | Sourcing/Procurement | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
226 | Benco Chemical | NC | Peter | Nor... | Vice President | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
227 | Bennett International | NC | Wes | leo... | Director of Sales | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
228 | Bericap | AR | Stanley | Zav... | Technical Sales Manager | 02/19/2024 | Attendee |
229 | Berje | NJ | Melody | Web... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
230 | Berndorf Band Group | IL | Andy | Col... | Sales Executive | 09/20/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
231 | Berndorf Band Group | IL | Stan | Dju... | Sales Executive | 09/20/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
232 | Berryman Chemical | TX | Brandon | Kin... | Midwest Regional Marketing Man | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
233 | Berryman Chemical Inc. | IL | Cameron | Har... | Regional Marketing Manager | 03/06/2024 | Attendee |
234 | BIAZZI S.A. | DE | Jerry | Win... | Technical Sales | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
235 | BIAZZI USA | NC | John | Kan... | Technical Consultant | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
236 | BIAZZI USA | DE | Jim | Ste... | Technical Consultant | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
237 | Biddle Sawyer | NY | Lee | DeW... | VP Business Development | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
238 | Biddle Sawyer Corp. | NY | Jon | Hup... | Vice President Sales | 06/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
239 | Bilicek Consulting LLC | TX | Jerry | Bil... | Managing Partner | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
242 | BioZen Batteries, Inc. | CA | Nate | Kir... | CEO & Co-Founder | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
243 | Blachford | Canada | Scott | Gil... | Business Development - Stearates | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
244 | Black Bay Energy Capital | LA | Tom | Amb... | Partner | 04/08/2024 | Attendee |
245 | Black Bay Energy Capital | LA | Preston | Gal... | Private Equity Associate | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
246 | BlackBean Marketing | Canada | Laura | Boy... | President | 04/08/2024 | Attendee |
247 | Blentech Corp. | TX | George | Hah... | President | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
248 | Blue Grass Chemical | IN | Matthew | Bre... | President | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
249 | Blue Grass Chemical | IN | Paul | McC... | Executive Vice President | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
250 | Bluestone Metals & Chemicals | NC | Rob | McK... | National Sales Manager | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
251 | BMO Capital Markets | NY | Michael | Ros... | Managing Director | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
252 | BNP PARIBAS | France | FRANK | GUA... | INDUSTRY EXPERT | 03/21/2024 | Attendee |
253 | Boaz Partners | GA | Jason | McC... | Senior Search Executive | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
254 | Boaz Partners | GA | Weslee | Was... | Managing Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
255 | Borates Plus LLC | OH | Kevin | Kut... | President | 05/11/2024 | Attendee |
256 | Boron Molecular USA Inc | NC | Rebecca | Chr... | Quality Manager | 03/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
257 | Boron Molecular USA Inc | NC | Oliver | Hut... | CEO | 03/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
258 | Boron Molecular USA Inc | NC | Sadegh | Sha... | General Manager | 03/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
259 | Boron Molecular USA Inc | NC | Angelica | Wal... | Operations Manager | 03/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
260 | Borregaard | MN | Steve | Dic... | ABM - Agri | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
261 | Borregaard USA | TX | Tiffany | McQ... | Technical Sales Manager | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
262 | Botanoceutical Products, Inc | TN | Amy | Pet... | Director | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
263 | BPS, Inc. | AR | Larry | Byr... | Business Development Manager | 11/30/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
264 | BPS, Inc. | AR | Antonio | Her... | Vice President of Sales & Lab Ma | 03/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
265 | BR Global | NC | Carmichael | Phi... | Account Manager | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
266 | Brandywine Label Printing | PA | Steve | Don... | Eastern Regional Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
267 | Brandywine Label Printing | PA | Nathan | Ste... | Southern Region Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
268 | Brawn Mixer | MI | Angela | Bry... | Regional Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
269 | Brawn Mixer | MI | Josh | Lit... | Applications Engineer | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
270 | Brenntag Mid South | NC | Sam | Mur... | Industry Specialist - VAS Sales | 04/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
271 | Brenntag Mid-South | IL | Monroe | Boy... | Industry Specialist | 01/09/2024 | Attendee |
272 | Brenntag Mid-South | TN | Chris | Ric... | Industry Specialist | 01/12/2024 | Attendee |
273 | Brenntag North America | PA | Gerald | Den... | VP Value Added Services NA | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
274 | Brenntag North America | NC | Carl | Eas... | VP Value Added Services MS | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
275 | Brenntag North America | KY | Kelly | Gre... | Account Specialist | 04/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
276 | Brenntag North America | KY | Chad | Mas... | President Mid-South | 04/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
277 | Brenntag North America | IN | Chad | Rab... | VAS Director of Operations and T | 04/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
278 | Brenntag North America | FL | Adam | Swi... | Regional Director Ag | 04/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
279 | Brenntag North America | PA | Patrick | Tin... | Product Manager Surfactants Am | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
280 | Briar Chemicals Limited | United Kingdom | Alex | Har... | Commercial Manager | 02/05/2024 | Attendee |
281 | Briar Chemicals Limited | United Kingdom | Marie | Woo... | Business Development Executive | 02/05/2024 | Attendee |
282 | British Consulate-Atlanta | GA | Seth | Jac... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
283 | BSI Engineering | OH | Chris | Hen... | Principal / Vice President of Busin | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
284 | BSI Engineering | OH | Nick | Lon... | Principal / Regional Business Dev | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
285 | Buckeye Fabricating Company | OH | AJ | Fur... | Technical Sales Engineer | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
286 | Buckeye Fabricating Company | OH | Zack | Shi... | Design Engineer | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
287 | Bull and Bear Co | IL | Wendy | Dem... | Sales Manager | 06/15/2024 | Attendee |
288 | Bull and Bear Co | IL | MANDY | Dor... | Business Development Manager | 06/15/2024 | Attendee |
289 | Butterworth, Inc. | TX | Mark | Mur... | Global Industrial Sales Manager | 04/15/2024 | Attendee |
290 | BYK | KY | Shannon | Mor... | Regional End Use Manager Indust | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
291 | C Three Logistics LLC | NJ | GEORGE | GAL... | Director of Sales | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
292 | C. N. Brown Plastics, Inc. | GA | Sam | Gas... | Owner | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
293 | CABB Group | Germany | Tobias | Sch... | Chief Operating Officer | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
294 | CABB Jayhawk Fine Chemicals | KS | Linda | Arn... | Head of Performance Materials & | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
295 | CABB Jayhawk Fine Chemicals | KS | Jeff | Cas... | Business Director, CM | 10/17/2023 | Attendee |
296 | CABB Jayhawk Fine Chemicals | KS | Jay | Hen... | Supply Chain Excellence Director | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
297 | CAC | NY | Mercury | Tin | VP of Commerce, North America | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
298 | CAC Chemical Americas LLC | NY | Vince | MIA... | GM | 04/26/2024 | Attendee |
299 | Calca Solutions, LLC | LA | Shane | Jen... | President / CEO | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
300 | Calcean | GA | Katie | Gar... | 06/27/2024 | Attendee | |
301 | Calcean Minerals & Materials | GA | Leanne | Bur... | Sales Manager | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
302 | Calpine Energy Solutions | TX | Rebecca | Hal... | Sales Representative | 03/04/2024 | Attendee |
303 | Calpine Energy Solutions | NY | Greg | Kos... | Business Development Director | 04/09/2024 | Attendee |
304 | Capital Resin Corp. | OH | Conner | Bul... | Sales Coordinator | 03/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
305 | Capital Resin Corp. | OH | James | Bul... | President | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
306 | Capital Resin Corp. | OH | Michael | Yin... | Director of Sales & Marketing | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
307 | Capital Resin Corporation | OH | Austin | Bul... | Sales Coordinator | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
308 | Cargill Bioindustrial | MN | Todd | Kur... | Business Development | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
309 | Cargostore | United Kingdom | Kevin | Cud... | Intermodal Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
310 | Carolina Eastern-Crop Excel. | SC | Jim | Tho... | Director | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
311 | Carpenter Company | VA | Shigao | Che... | Technical Program Leader | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
312 | Carpenter Company | VA | Tom | Cur... | Business Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
313 | Carpenter Company | NC | Fred | Hol... | Sr. Account Manager | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
314 | Carpenter Company | VA | Daniel | Wee... | Account Manager | 03/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
315 | Carrington | NC | Will | Joh... | President | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
316 | CAS | NC | Trent | Zir... | Solutions Consultant | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
317 | Catalynt Solutions | WA | Chris | Kar... | Regional Sales Director | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
318 | CBC Global | OH | Daniel | Pro... | Product Manager | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
319 | CCL Label | TN | Jim | Bal... | National Account Manager | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
320 | CCL Label | TN | David | Buc... | National Account Manager | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
321 | CCL Label | OH | Gary | Dil... | National Account Manager | 04/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
322 | CCL Label | TN | Greg | Tho... | National Account Representative | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
323 | CCL Label | AR | David | Tie... | National Accounts Manager | 01/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
324 | CDF Corp. | MA | Brian | Bil... | VP Product Development | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
325 | Cekal Specialties, Inc. | NC | Dallas | Cro... | President | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
326 | Cekal Specialties, Inc. | NC | Leann | Cro... | Account Manager | 06/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
327 | Cekal Specialties, Inc. | NC | Shane | Glo... | Business Manager | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
328 | Cekal/Rossari Biotech | India | Shantanu | Dey | Vice President Brands and Exports | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
329 | CellMark Basic Materials | CT | JeanLuc | Car... | Vice President | 05/18/2024 | Attendee |
330 | Cellmark USA | CT | GABRIELA | CES... | Product Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
331 | CellMark USA | CT | Karlten | Won... | Director | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
332 | Centauri Technologies LLC | TX | Sam | Lan... | Vice President / General Manager | 06/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
333 | Centauri Technologies LLC | TX | Robin | Str... | Plant Manager | 06/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
334 | Century Global LLC | PA | Ben | Jon... | President | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
335 | CeraMem LLC | MA | Kevin | Don... | Business Development Manager | 02/29/2024 | Attendee |
336 | CESCO | NC | John | Cor... | Principle | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
337 | Charles Tennant & Co Canada | Canada | Avais | Sai... | Product Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
338 | Charles Tennant &Company | Canada | Deborah | Phi... | Technical Sales Rep | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
339 | Chem Group | FL | David | Car... | CEO | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
340 | Chem Source, Inc. | TX | David | Buc... | CEO | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
341 | ChemDesign | WI | Rae | Joh... | Sr. VP Sales & Marketing | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
342 | ChemDesign | SC | Bryon | Leg... | VP Business Development | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
343 | ChemDesign | WI | David | Mie... | President & CEO | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
344 | ChemDesign | WI | Joel | Sal... | VP of Operations | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
345 | CHEMET | India | UMESH | SAN... | MANAGING PARTNER | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
346 | Chemformation | TX | Paul | Bro... | President | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
347 | Chemformation | TX | Holly | Mye... | EVP | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
348 | ChemGulf LLC | VA | Ronald | Che... | President | 04/20/2024 | Attendee |
349 | Chemical South Transport Inc | GA | Nicole | Eva... | Vice President | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
350 | Chemical South Transport, In | GA | Michael | Gal... | CEO & Owner | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
351 | Chemical Week Magazine | NY | Joseph | Men... | 06/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff | |
352 | Chemicals America | PA | Jayne | Cla... | Chief of Staff | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
353 | Chemicals America | PA | Joyce | Joh... | Conference Manager | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
354 | Chemisphere Corporation | MO | Dana | Nye | Business Development Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
355 | Chemol | NC | David | Gri... | General Manager | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
356 | ChemOutsourcing | TN | Evan | Ale... | Vice President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
357 | ChemPacific Corporation | MD | Christine | McR... | Business Development Manager | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
358 | ChemPacific Corporation | MD | Kyle | Wat... | Business Development Manager | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
359 | ChemPacific Corporation | MD | Maureen | Zha... | Business Development Manager | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
360 | ChemPak Company, LLC | TN | Cheryl | Jac... | President/Owner | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
361 | Chempak International, Inc. | TX | Greg | Lyo... | Owner | 03/25/2024 | Attendee |
362 | ChemPoint | WA | Kelli | Mil... | Sr. Manager, Supplier Manageme | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
363 | Chempoint LLC | TX | Jonathan | Col... | Market Developer | 06/08/2024 | Attendee |
364 | Chemsolv | VA | Jamie | Aus... | President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
365 | Chemsynergy Inc. | Canada | Jimmy | Bhe... | Director of Business Developmen | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
366 | CHEMTECH | Netherlands | Matthijs | Plu... | Managing Director | 03/22/2024 | Attendee |
367 | ChemTreat | VA | Clyde | Rit... | Global Category Manager | 11/10/2023 | Attendee |
368 | Chevron Oronite Company | TX | Jorge | Cab... | Sales Account Manager, Americas | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
369 | Chevron Oronite Company | TX | Carolyn | Kar... | Category Manager - Chemicals • | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
370 | Chevron Oronite Company | TX | Alberto | Par... | Account Manager, Americas Regi | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
371 | Chevron Oronite Company | TX | Jeanne | Rig... | Marketing Manager | 04/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
372 | Chevron Phillips Chemical | TX | DeAndre | Joh... | Account Manager | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
373 | Chevron Phillips Chemical Co | TX | Peter | Sin... | Technical Service Specialist | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
374 | Chevron Phillips Chemical Co | TX | Marvin | Whi... | Account Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
375 | Chevron REG | IA | Brian | Wie... | Team Lead, Co-Product Sales | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
376 | Chevron Renewable Energy | IA | Katie | Blo... | Sales | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
377 | Chiral Quest Inc. | NJ | Yongxiang | Chi | Director, Business Development | 03/11/2024 | Attendee |
378 | Chromatech Inc | MI | Lezlie | Luc... | VP Market Strategy & Innovation | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
379 | Chromatech Inc | MI | John | Mon... | Technical Sales Representative | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
380 | Chromatech Inc. | MI | John | Mon... | Technical Sales | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
381 | CHS | TN | Amy | Car... | Product development chemist | 04/26/2024 | Attendee |
382 | CIE | IN | Zach | New... | Sales Leader | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
383 | Cimarron Label (Inovar) | TX | Brian | Bau... | Technical Services Manager | 04/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
384 | Cimarron Label (Inovar) | NJ | Bob | Bru... | Vice President- Corporate Sales | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
385 | Cimarron Label (Inovar) | TX | Ken | Zav... | Business Development Manager | 04/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
386 | CIRS Group USA | VA | Chris | Ket... | Senior Regulatory Consultant | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
387 | CIRS Group USA | VA | Lucy | Wan... | Senior Regulatory Consultant | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
388 | Citrine Informatics | CA | Marc | Ege... | Senior Account Executive | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
389 | CJ Chemicals | MI | Cathy | Lee | CEO | 04/26/2024 | Attendee |
390 | CJ Chemicals | MI | Floyd | Lee | Account Executive | 04/26/2024 | Attendee |
391 | CJ Chemicals | MI | Danielle | Maz... | Director of Purchasing and Logisti | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
392 | CJB Applied Technologies | GA | Amanda | Lup... | Operations Specialist | 04/11/2024 | Attendee |
393 | CJB Industries, Inc. | GA | Clinton | Bee... | President & CEO | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
394 | CJB Industries, Inc. | GA | Jeana | Bee... | Chief Human Resources Officer | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
395 | CJB Industries, Inc. | GA | Jordan | LaC... | Plant Manager | 04/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
396 | CJB Industries, Inc. | GA | Robby | Moo... | V.P. of Operations | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
397 | CJB Industries, Inc. | GA | Tiffany | Ste... | Quality Manager | 04/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
398 | CJB Industries, Inc. | GA | Sims | Tur... | Sales Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
399 | CJIdeas, LLC | DE | Chris | Jun... | Founder & CEO | 04/09/2024 | Attendee |
400 | CKS Packaging | GA | craig | zez... | Vice President Sales & Marketing | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
401 | CKS Packaging, Inc. | GA | Mike | Bon... | Chief Sustainability Officer | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
402 | Clariant | NC | Julie | Bro... | Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
403 | Clariant | NC | Matt | Cro... | New Business Development Man | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
404 | Clariant | Brazil | Nuno | Fig | Head of Sales and Marketing Fou | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
405 | Clariant | OH | Tyler | Sav... | NorAm Regional Account Manage | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
406 | Clariant Corporation | KY | Richard | All... | Process Engineer | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
407 | Clean Control Corporation | GA | Walker | Dav... | Sales | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
408 | CLEAN CONTROL CORPORATION | GA | CORY | HAM... | VP, R&D | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
409 | Clean Control Corporation | GA | Stefania | Tri... | Sr Chemist | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
410 | Clean Harbors | SC | Keith | Bro... | Corporate Distillation Sales | 04/17/2024 | Attendee |
411 | Clean Harbors | IL | John | Dra... | Business Development | 03/19/2024 | Attendee |
412 | CLP Chemicals, Inc | TX | Neil | Cam... | President | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
413 | CLP Chemicals, Inc | TX | Johnan | Goe... | Sales & Business Development M | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
414 | Coalition - Mission/Element | TX | Trent | Sta... | Co-Owner | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
415 | Coalition-Mission/ Element | TX | Justin | Hei... | VP of Business Development | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
416 | Coalition-Mission/Element | TX | Cameron | Ful... | Dir. of Planning & Procurement | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
417 | Coast Southwest | TX | Jarrod | Kal... | Vice President | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
418 | COASTLINE CHEMICAL, INC. | VA | Jonathan | Sha... | Operations Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
419 | Coexcell | OH | Aaron | Mil... | VP & GM | 05/27/2024 | Attendee |
420 | Coexcell Inc. | OH | Todd | Bra... | Global Account Manager | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
421 | Coface NA | NJ | Lou | Gua... | Vice President, Sales | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
422 | Coface NA | TN | Tate | Par... | Vice President, Sales | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
423 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | NC | Kevin | Eic... | Sales | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
424 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | GA | Lucy | Lea... | Sales Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
425 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | SC | scott | Mol... | SR Account Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
426 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | GA | Rob | Rob... | President | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
427 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | GA | Stratton | Roj... | Director of Customer Experience | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
428 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | GA | Nathan | Smi... | VP of Sales | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
429 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | GA | Nathan | Smi... | VP of Sales | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
430 | Colonial Chemical Solutions | NC | Thad | Whi... | VP Supply Chain | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
431 | Colonial Chemical, Inc. | TN | David | And... | Chairman | 04/30/2024 | Attendee |
432 | Colonial Chemical, Inc. | TN | Byran | Jon... | Procurement Manager | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
433 | Colonial Chemical, Inc. | TN | Robin | Wil... | Supply Chain Manager | 04/28/2024 | Attendee |
434 | Color Mate Dispersions | NC | Don | Buc... | President | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
435 | Columbus Chemical Industries | WI | Derek | Pau... | Regional Sales Manager | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
436 | Columbus Chemical Industries | WI | Judi | Swa... | Director of Sales | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
437 | Comi Polaris Systems | NC | Jessica | Ast... | CEO | 02/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
438 | Comi Polaris Systems | NC | Hussain | Fou... | Sales Manager | 02/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
439 | Comi Polaris Systems | NC | Tom | Min... | Service Manager | 02/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
440 | Complex Chemical | LA | Mary | Mar... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
441 | Complex Quimica S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | Raul | Jas... | Director | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
442 | Complex Quimica S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | Marco | Mar... | Project Leader | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
443 | Complex Quimica S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | Axel | San... | Sales Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
444 | Concept AgriTek | MO | Donald | Ham... | Procurement Manager | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
445 | Connect Chemicals USA | GA | Richard | Gar... | President | 03/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
446 | Connect Chemicals USA | GA | Kathy | Wat... | Inside Sales Manager | 03/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
447 | Connect Chemicals USA, LLC | GA | Lee | Pol... | Product Manager | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
448 | Connection Chemical LP | NH | Fred | Geo... | Business Manager Organics | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
449 | Consultant | NC | Joerg | Bra... | Business Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
450 | Consultant | NC | John | Shi... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
451 | Container Mfg., Inc. | GA | Rob | Jen... | VP Operations & Corporate Devel | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
452 | Container Mfg., Inc. | NJ | Rob | Jen... | Vice President Sales & Marketing | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
453 | Container Reconditioners | FL | Melody | Bas... | Business Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
454 | Container Reconditioners | FL | Kaleigh | Lei... | VP | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
455 | Control Devices, LLC | MO | Michael | lew... | Sales Manager -DryLink | 04/18/2024 | Attendee |
456 | Corbion | KS | Wouter | Moo... | Sales Director | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
457 | Corbion Functional Ingredien | TX | Keith | Due... | Senior Account Manager | 04/22/2024 | Attendee |
458 | Corteva | PA | Ehren | Mau... | External Manufacturing Leader | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
459 | Covalent Chemical LLC | NC | Matthew | Row... | CEO | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
460 | CPS Performance Materials | MD | Justin | O'C... | President | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
461 | Creative Polymer Solutions | AL | Greg | Tho... | Director of Supply Chain | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
462 | Creative Polymer Solutions | AL | Trevor | Wil... | Buyer | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
463 | Cremer North America | OH | Dean | Bos... | Manager Methyl Esters/Key Acco | 02/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
464 | Cremer North America | OH | Norma | Bri... | Sales Talent Dev & Key Accounts | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
465 | Cremer North America | OH | Tyler | Che... | Planning and Technical Manager | 04/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
466 | Cremer North America | OH | Daniel | Him... | Account Manager | 01/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
467 | Cremer North America | OH | Chuck | Nid... | Toll and Contract Manufacturing | 04/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
468 | Crews Chemicals | GA | Ross | And... | General Manager | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
469 | Croda | NJ | Douglas | Dun... | Sales Development Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
470 | Croda Inc. | DE | Jonathan | Ell... | Regional Technical Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
471 | Croda Inc. | NJ | Nick | Gel... | Business Development Represent | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
472 | Croda, Inc. | NJ | Bob | Bou... | Sales Manager | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
473 | Croda, Inc. | SC | Justin | Liv... | Account Manager | 04/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
474 | Croda, Inc. | DE | Frank | McL... | Key Account Manager | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
475 | Croda, Inc. | NC | TJ | St.... | Key Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
476 | CROSSOVER LOGISTICS (USA) | TX | Charlie | Kni... | Sales Director | 01/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
477 | CROSSOVER LOGISTICS (USA) | TX | Duane | Sob... | Managing Director | 01/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
478 | Crucible Chemical | SC | Mark | Cha... | President | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
479 | Crucible Chemical | SC | Alex | Wes... | Sales Director | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
480 | Crystal Quinone Pvt Ltd | India | Ivan | Fer... | GM-New Business Development | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
481 | Crystal Quinone Pvt Ltd | India | Aniket | Sha... | Executive Director | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
482 | Current Chemicals | OH | William | Coh... | VP & GM | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
483 | Current Chemicals | OH | Fangming | Du | Technology Manager | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
484 | CurTec USA | SC | Sean | Con... | Sales Director North America | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
485 | CurTec USA | SC | John | Jan... | Marketing Manager | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
486 | CurTec USA | SC | Cody | Phi... | Business Development Manager | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
487 | Custom Agronomics | FL | Sasha | Peg... | R&D Manager | 02/15/2024 | Attendee |
488 | Custom Chemical Services, LL | TX | Bobby | Hya... | Business Development Manager | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
489 | Custom Chemical Services, LL | TX | Daryl | Rad... | VP of Sales and Marketing | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
490 | Custom Milling & Consulting | PA | Anthony | Sca... | Process Engineer | 03/13/2024 | Attendee |
491 | Custom Milling & Consulting | PA | John | Sne... | Technical Director | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
492 | Custom Milling & Consulting | PA | Steve | Zaw... | Sales Manager | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
493 | Custom Processing Services | PA | Alexander | Row | Business Development Manager | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
494 | Custom Processing Services | PA | Willow | Slu... | Business Development Manager | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
495 | Cymer LLC | TN | Bud | LaM... | Exe Vice President of Marketing a | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
496 | Cymer LLC | TN | Michael | Pol... | CEO | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
497 | Cymer LLC | TN | Joan | Rol... | Business Development Manager | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
498 | Cymer LLC | TN | Skye | Van... | Sales Manager | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
499 | D P World Logistics | TX | David | Tho... | Sr. Director Chemicals Vertical | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
500 | Datacor | NJ | Grace | Kir... | Event Services Manager | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
501 | Datacor | NJ | Dan | McC... | VP of Sales | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
502 | Datacor | NJ | Chris | McM... | Account Executive | 03/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
503 | DAXX | TX | Michael | Nas... | Director of Business Developmen | 03/06/2024 | Attendee |
504 | Day & Zimmermann | SC | Steve | Dud... | Senior Director, Strategic Account | 05/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
505 | Day & Zimmermann | SC | Curtis | Jac... | Senior Director, Engineering M&C | 05/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
506 | Deccan Fine Chemicals | MA | Serge | Kec... | Vice President - Business Develop | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
507 | Deepwater Chemicals | OK | Jeff | Bow... | Sr. Sales Representative | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
508 | Deepwater Chemicals | OK | Hironari | Suz... | Sales Manager | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
509 | Delta | TX | Cristobal | Lar... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
510 | Delta Engineering, Inc. | GA | Danny | Ste... | Senior Sales Engineer | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
511 | Descartes Systems (USA) LLC | Canada | Mary Jo | Neg... | Business Development Manager - | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
512 | Descartes Systems (USA) LLC | Canada | Paul | Raf... | Business Development Manager - | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
513 | Desotec USA LLC | PA | Mike | Hav... | Technical Sales Engineer | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
514 | Diemme Filtration | MN | Kevin | Sch... | Sales Manager | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
515 | Dishman USA Inc | NJ | Bhavesh | Oza | Officer | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
516 | Dixon Valve & Coupling Co. | MD | JC | Dol... | National Sales Manager - Bayco | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
517 | Dixon Valve & Coupling Co. | MD | Jennifer | Mah... | Chemical Market Specialist | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
518 | DNS FIne Chemicals & LAb Pvt | India | Sudhir | Saw... | Managing Director | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
519 | DNS FIne Chemicals & LAb Pvt | India | Snehaal | War... | General Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
520 | Don Trading Company | Canada | Don | Cho... | president | 03/10/2024 | Attendee |
521 | Dongnam Chemical | South Korea | JB | Byu... | Sales representative | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
522 | Dongnam Chemical | South Korea | Alex | Lee | Sales representative | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
523 | Dooley Chemicals | TN | Greg | Gib... | President | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
524 | Dooley Chemicals | TN | Rick | Wil... | CEO | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
525 | Dow Inc. | PA | Ryan | Hag... | Account Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
526 | DP WORLD LOGISTICS USA, INC | TX | Eric | Mar... | Branch Manager | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
527 | Drexel Chemical Company | TN | Ernie | Tow... | Procurement Manager | 02/02/2024 | Attendee |
528 | DRT America LLC | GA | Jerry | But... | Sourcing Director, Ingredients | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
529 | Durabasics LLC | SC | Polly | Li | Director of Operations | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
530 | DYSTAR LP | NC | Barry | Fer... | Business Manager Textile Auxiliari | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
531 | Eastern Industrial | GA | Ron | Por... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
532 | Eastman Ag Solutions | TN | Sydney | Bro... | Pricing Manager | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
533 | Eastman Ag Solutions | TN | Andrew | Lov... | Market Development Manager | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
534 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | Philip | Bra... | Account Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
535 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | Jairo | Bra... | Regional Account Manager | 03/06/2024 | Attendee |
536 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | Tay | Egr... | Commercial Leader | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
537 | Eastman Chemical Company | TX | Braeden | Gum... | Product Manager | 03/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
538 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | Chrissy | Idl... | Account Manager | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
539 | Eastman Chemical Company | TX | Kyle | McD... | Commercial Manager | 03/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
540 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | David | Moo... | AMS Manager | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
541 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | Alex | Rey... | AMS Agreement Manager | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
542 | Eastman Chemical Company | TN | Luis F | Zag... | Global Sales Director | 04/05/2024 | Attendee |
543 | Eastman Kodak Company | NY | John | She... | Director - Solvent Recovery | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
544 | Edgewater Capital Partners | OH | Robert | Gir... | Managing Partner | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
545 | Ekato Corporation | NJ | Justin | Lig... | Regioanl Sales Manager | 04/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
546 | Elan Technology Inc | GA | Andrew | Kan... | VP - Operations/Technology | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
547 | Elan Technology Inc | GA | Terry | McC... | COO | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
548 | Elan Technology, Inc. | GA | Tak | Arg... | Chairman/CEO | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
549 | Elchemy, Inc. | DE | Hardik | Set... | President | 05/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
550 | Elchemy, Inc. | DE | ANKIT | SIN... | Sales and Strategy Lead | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
551 | Element Chemicals | TX | Chris | Hun... | Sr. VP of Supply Chain | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
552 | Elementis Global | NJ | Swetha | Mah... | Process Development Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
553 | ELI | FL | Ryan | Hum... | Customer Sales Manager | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
554 | ELI | FL | Clay | Lut... | Customer Sales Manager | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
555 | Eliteus Canada Corp. | Canada | Arpankumar | Pat... | Director | 04/11/2024 | Attendee |
556 | Eliteus Canada Corp. | Canada | Dharik | Pat... | Business Development Manager | 04/11/2024 | Attendee |
557 | Elkem | NJ | Vivian | Esp... | Sales | 05/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
558 | Elkem | SC | John | Gar... | R&T | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
559 | Elkem | NJ | Kyle | Jan... | Sales | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
560 | Elkem | NJ | Deanna | Mic... | Market Manager | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
561 | Elkem Silicones | NJ | Duane | MEI... | Sales Distribution Manager | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
562 | Elkem Silicones | SC | Kyle | Rho... | Business Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
563 | Elm Labeling Solutions | CT | Robert | Ryc... | Vice President of Sales | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
564 | Elm Press, Inc. | CT | Doug | Ror... | Sales Executive | 03/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
565 | EMCO Chemical Packaging | TN | Travis | Bar... | Sales Representative | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
566 | EMCO Chemical Packaging | IL | Mike | Kov... | Sales Representative | 05/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
567 | EMCO Chemical Packaging | IL | Randy | Sch... | Vice President - Contract Packagi | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
568 | Encore Container | SC | Ashley | Mar... | Sales Manager | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
569 | Entegris | IL | nicholas | amo... | Process Design | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
570 | Entegris | PA | Chris | Hen... | Senior Product Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
571 | Entegris | IL | Chen-Chih | Tsa... | Senior Chemical Engineer | 04/25/2024 | Attendee |
572 | Entegris Specialty Chemicals | TX | Daniel | Hor... | Sr. Manager North America Sales | 04/16/2024 | Attendee |
573 | Environmental Energy Service | CT | David | Mar... | Director of Water Treatment | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
574 | Envirozyme | OH | Jon | Pet... | National Sales Manager | 02/22/2024 | Attendee |
575 | Envirozyme | OH | John | Ros... | VP of Sales | 02/22/2024 | Attendee |
576 | Envu | GA | Chris | Bee... | External Manufacturing Rep | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
577 | Envu | NC | Clay | Gib... | NA Commercialization Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
578 | Envu | MO | Blake | Tid... | External Manufacturing Rep | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
579 | EPIC Systems | MO | Kenny | Ree... | Vice President, EPIC Systems | 03/29/2024 | Attendee |
580 | EPIC Systems | MO | Ken | Sip... | Director, Process Systems and Au | 03/29/2024 | Attendee |
581 | Epson | CA | Allen | McE... | ColorWorks Channel Manager – E | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
582 | Equinox Chemicals | GA | Mark | Gri... | President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
583 | Equipment Xchange, LLC | NJ | Luis | Mer... | Sales | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
584 | Equipment Xchange, LLC | NJ | Scott | Tar... | Buyer | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
585 | Equipment Xchange, LLC | NJ | Jon | Tar... | Sales | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
586 | EREZTECH | GA | Roman | Ryt... | CEO | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
587 | ESIM Chemicals GmbH | Austria | Jochen | Dit... | Director Key Account & Project M | 03/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
588 | ESIM Chemicals GmbH | Austria | Lukas | Sch... | Deputy Head of Key Account & Pr | 03/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
589 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Will | Dav... | Business Manager | 08/28/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
590 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | John | Hem... | Commercial Development Manag | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
591 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Chuck | Hin... | Emeritus President | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
592 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Phil | How... | President | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
593 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Greg | Kau... | Director of Purchasing & Planning | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
594 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | John | Moy... | Technical Sales | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
595 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Chip | Pal... | VP, Technical | 02/16/2024 | Attendee |
596 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Brad | Swi... | Business Director | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
597 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Kurt | Wal... | Account Executive | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
598 | Ethox Chemicals | SC | Chris | Wel... | VP Sales | 08/25/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
599 | Everchem Specialty Chemicals | PA | David | Pat... | GM | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
600 | Everchem Specialty Chemicals | PA | Dave | Pat... | Marketing Director | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
601 | Everchem Specialty Chemicals | PA | Robert | Sme... | GM | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
602 | Evergreen Engineering, Inc | GA | Alicia | Gib... | Principal | 02/28/2024 | Attendee |
603 | Evonik Corporation | NJ | Jaime | Bla... | Business Director, Catalysts | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
604 | Evonik Corporation | PA | Waan | Chu... | Strategic Sourcing Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
605 | Evonik Corporation | VA | Marc | McP... | Agronomist | 06/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
606 | Evonik Corporation | VA | Ryan | Sti... | Sr. Technical Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
607 | Evonik Corporation | IN | Forest | Tag... | Sourcing Manager | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
608 | Evonik Corporation | PA | Jessie | Wal... | Global Procurement Director-Ext | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
609 | Evonik Oxeno LLC | NJ | Sanjay | Kak... | Business Director | 03/15/2024 | Attendee |
610 | Exacto | WI | Eva | Mag... | Director of Strategy & Operations | 02/27/2024 | Attendee |
611 | Exacto | WI | Nongnuch | Sut... | Manager, Research Development | 03/07/2024 | Attendee |
612 | Exacto, Inc | WI | Frank | Sex... | VP, Technical Services and Innova | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
613 | Excel Industries Ltd | India | Pradeep | Gha... | COO | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
614 | Excel Industries Ltd | India | Umesh | Pra... | General Manager - International | 03/14/2024 | Attendee |
615 | EXCEL PRODUCTS INC | SC | PHIL | PAT... | President | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
616 | Exfluor | TX | Tyson | Rai... | Head of Sales and Marketing | 04/11/2024 | Attendee |
617 | Exim-Indis Inc | TX | Nayan | Ami... | Technical Director | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
618 | Exim-Indis Inc | TX | Bob | Byr... | VP Business Development | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
619 | EXSIF | IL | Eric | Gor... | Manager of Marketing | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
620 | EXSIF | IL | Nadine | Her... | Sales & Marketing Manager | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
621 | EXSIF | IL | John | Tot... | Marketing Agent | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
622 | ExxonMobil | TX | Luis | Bar... | Account Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
623 | ExxonMobil | TX | Morgan | Gre... | Fluids Sales Manager | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
624 | ExxonMobil Product Solutions | TX | Lisa | Dim... | Sales Development Manager | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
625 | F2 Chemicals Ltd. | United Kingdom | Helen | McN... | Commercial Manager | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
626 | F2 Chemicals Ltd. | United Kingdom | Andy | Pen... | Managing Director | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
627 | Fab-Tech Incorporated | VT | Mike | Bar... | Vice President Sales & Marketing | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
628 | Fanwood Chemical, Inc. | NJ | V.M. (Jim) | DeL... | Chief | 03/01/2024 | Attendee |
629 | Fanwood Chemical, Inc. | NJ | Joan | Har... | Analyst | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
630 | FCI Technology | NC | Richard | Bar... | Vice President and General Mana | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
631 | FCI Technology | NC | Scott | Mac... | Nation Sales & Marketing Manag | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
632 | Federal Equipment Company | OH | Steve | Nel... | VP Business Development | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
633 | Federal Equipment Company | OH | David | Win... | Executive Vice President | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
634 | Federal Mfg, LLC | WI | Nick | Bir... | Regional Sales Manager | 02/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
635 | Federal Mfg, LLC | WI | Mark | Kap... | National Sales Manager | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
636 | Filron Solutions LLC | SC | David | Kin... | Business Development | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
637 | Filron Solutions LLC | SC | Brandon | Wil... | Business Development | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
638 | Fine Organics Ltd. (Lianhetech) | United Kingdom | Simon | Row... | Commercial Director | 05/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
639 | Fine Organics Ltd. (Lianhetech) | United Kingdom | Liz | Swa... | Commercial Manager | 05/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
640 | Finite Fiber | OH | Steve | God... | General Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
641 | Firm Tech, Inc. | NC | Bart | Fir... | Sales Representative | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
642 | Fisher Specialty Advising | SC | Grant | Wea... | Partner & Advisor | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
643 | Fisher Tank Company | SC | Ron | Qua... | Business Development | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
644 | FlexSack by ABC Polymer | AL | Patrick | Wil... | National Sales Representative | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
645 | Flottweg | KY | Lee | Bet... | Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Food | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
646 | Fluid Energy Processing | PA | Cynthia | Sti... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
647 | Fluid Energy Processing | PA | Rich | Sti... | Director of Business Developmen | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
648 | FMI Capital Advisors | CO | James | Hol... | Managing Director, Head of Che | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
649 | Formosa | TX | Daniel | Van... | Catalyst Technolgy | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
650 | Fortis Solutions Group | VA | Scott | Hen... | Sales | 05/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
651 | Fortis Solutions Group | VA | Darrin | Ler... | Technical Customer Success Man | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
652 | Fortis Solutions Group | VA | Tony | Per... | Sales | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
653 | Fortis Solutions Group | VA | Marygrace | Qui... | Marketing | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
654 | Fortis Solutions Group | VA | Ashlee | Rob... | Customer Success Manager | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
655 | Franklin Engineering Group | TN | Tim | Gar... | Business Development Manager | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
656 | Franklin Engineering Group | TN | David | Lam... | Principle | 04/29/2024 | Attendee |
657 | Fres-co | PA | David | Mag... | Business Development | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
658 | Frike Chemical Co. | China | LI | SHU... | Opertion Manager | 06/16/2024 | Attendee |
659 | Fujifilm | VA | Tai | Yam... | Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
660 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Jerry | All... | Sr. Sales Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
661 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Kim | Col... | Sr. Associate Account Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
662 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Beth | Col... | Associate Business Development | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
663 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Brent | Gle... | Process Engineering Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
664 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Jeff | Pat... | Sr. Account Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
665 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Jim | Sto... | Business Development Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
666 | FutureFuel Chemical Company | AR | Jim | Wil... | Commercial Director | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
667 | Gale Process Solutions | NJ | William | Ker... | New Equipment Sales | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
668 | Gaylord Chemical | AL | philip | gei... | Technical Manager | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
669 | Gaylord Chemical | AL | Artie | McK... | Vice President | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
670 | Gaylord Chemical | LA | Carmen | Tiz... | Jr. Marketing Specialist | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
671 | Gaylord Chemical Company | LA | Chris | Mas... | Sales | 06/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
672 | Gaylord Chemical Company | LA | Mick | Sad... | Director, Sales | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
673 | GBS Corp | OH | Joe | Bar... | Account Executive | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
674 | GBS Corp | OH | Tyler | Nel... | BD | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
675 | GBS Corp | OH | Matt | Sch... | Account Executive | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
676 | GEA Mechanical Equipment US | MD | Wes | Cla... | Sales | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
677 | GEA North America | MD | Mike | Roh... | Sales | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
678 | GEA North America | MD | Matthew | Wal... | Sales | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
679 | Genesis Custom CB | TX | Natalie | Gar... | Marketing Manager | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
680 | Genesis Custom CB | TX | Jill | How... | Business Development Manager | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
681 | Genesis Custom CB | TX | Rainne | Som... | Vice President - Business Develop | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
682 | Genesis Custom Chemical Blen | TX | Shawn | Abr... | Board Member | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
683 | Genesis Custom Chemical Blen | TX | Jeff | Gre... | Sr Vice President of Operations | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
684 | Gentex Corporation | MI | Ally | Cla... | Manufacturing Chemist | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
685 | Gentex Corporation | MI | Randy | Ele... | Chemical Production Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
686 | Gentex Corporation | MI | Isabel | Lop... | Manufacturing Chemist | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
687 | Gentex Corporation | MI | Greg | McC... | Chemical Department Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
688 | Geo. Pfau's Sons Company, In | IN | Brian | Mil... | VP - Sales | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
689 | Georgia Source IBC | GA | Neenah | Bro... | Business Manager | 04/15/2024 | Attendee |
690 | Georgia Source IBC | GA | Rochelle | For... | Business Development Manager | 04/15/2024 | Attendee |
691 | Georgia Source IBC | GA | Cole | Van... | President | 04/15/2024 | Attendee |
692 | GfM Milling & Micronization | NJ | Anita | Hie... | Key Account Manager | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
693 | GfM Milling & Micronization | NJ | Ante | Ras... | CEO | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
694 | GFS Chemicals | OH | Austin | Hut... | General Manager | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
695 | GFS Chemicals | OH | Robert | Kra... | Technical Sales and Business Dev | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
696 | Global - Pak Inc | OH | jeff | hoc... | sales manager | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
697 | Global Amines America Inc | TX | Jonathan | Dho... | Business Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
698 | Global Ordinance | TN | Ed | LeC... | Consultant | 02/27/2024 | Attendee |
699 | Global Tank | KS | Grant | Sti... | National Account Manager | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
700 | Global Tank | KS | James | Sti... | President | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
701 | Global-Pak | GA | Matt | Wil... | National Sales Rep | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
702 | GLSyntech | PA | Bing | Yu | GM | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
703 | GORE-TEX Professional | MD | Paul | Dac... | Engineer | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
704 | GORE-TEX Professional | MD | Jim | Ell... | Business Development | 11/15/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
705 | Goulston Technologies | NC | Matt | Bri... | Technical Sales Manager | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
706 | Goulston Technologies | NC | Fred | Edw... | President & COO | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
707 | Goulston Technologies | NC | Warren | Rob... | Production Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
708 | Gowan | AZ | Virginia | Dal... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
709 | Gowan Co. | AZ | Nihal | Beh... | Formulations Manager | 02/16/2024 | Attendee |
710 | Gowan Co. | AZ | CARLOS | MIR... | External Manufacturing Specialist | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
711 | Gowan Co. | AZ | Ron | Pad... | Global Buyer | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
712 | Gowan Co. | AZ | Washim | Udd... | Global Formulation Technical Ma | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
713 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Lacey | Are... | Business Development Specialist | 03/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
714 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Michael | Cal... | General Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
715 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Alina | Gon... | Operations Planner | 05/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
716 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Jarod | Har... | Operations Manager | 05/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
717 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Javier | Med... | Safety Coordinator | 05/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
718 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Richard | Sua... | Manufacturing Commercial Mana | 03/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
719 | Gowan Milling | AZ | Isaac | Val... | Logistics Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
720 | Gowan Milling Blytheville | AR | Summer | Tho... | Plant Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
721 | Gowan USA | AZ | Ines | Bur... | Packaging Buyer - US Supply Chai | 02/12/2024 | Attendee |
722 | Gowan USA | AZ | Leigh | Lou... | Global Buyer, Inert Materials | 02/12/2024 | Attendee |
723 | Grace Matthews, Inc. | WI | Kevin | Ytt... | President & Managing Director | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
724 | Grain Processing Corporation | IA | Bill | Som... | Senior Sales Executive | 04/12/2024 | Attendee |
725 | Gravitas Chemical | WA | Brian | Bun... | Owner | 10/20/2023 | Attendee |
726 | Greenchem Industries | FL | Denise | Fie... | Sales Rep | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
727 | Greenchem Industries | FL | Jared | McC... | Sales Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
728 | Greenchem Industries | FL | Spencer | Web... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
729 | Greif | TX | Dan | Laf... | Director of Sales | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
730 | Greif | KY | Victor | Lus... | Chief Strategy & Business Develo | 10/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
731 | Greif Packaging | GA | David | Tay... | Director of Sales NA Small Plastic | 02/29/2024 | Attendee |
732 | Greif, Inc. | OH | Tammy | Dru... | Account Manager-sales | 02/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
733 | Greif, Inc. | OH | Misty | Fos... | Account Manager | 02/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
734 | Greif, Inc. | Canada | Jared | Fri... | Industrial Packaging Sales Manag | 03/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
735 | Greif, Inc. | OH | Tytus | Kin... | Account Manager | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
736 | Greif, Inc. | OH | Jesse | LeG... | Director of Sales & Marketing, Ea | 02/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
737 | Greif, Inc. | OH | Jane | Mat... | ComEx Manager, NA | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
738 | Greif/Delta | TX | Courtney | Nea... | Account Manager | 03/19/2024 | Attendee |
739 | GROWMARK | IL | Jeff | Bun... | Vice President - Crop Protection | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
740 | GROWMARK | IL | Rod | Wel... | SVP, Strategy and Logistics | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
741 | Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. | Canada | Paul | Boz... | National Sales Manager | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
742 | GSG Resources, LLC | SC | Carmine | Ses... | AgraForm Consultant | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
743 | Guggenheim Securities, LLC | NY | Vincent | Van... | Managing Director - Investment B | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
744 | Gulf Chemical Intl Corp. | TX | Dr. Nawal | Sha... | Vice President - Business Develop | 02/12/2024 | Attendee |
745 | H.B. Fuller Company | MN | Dan | Sch... | Principal Sourcing Manager | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
746 | Haifa North America | VA | Earl | Chi... | Commercial Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
747 | Haifa North America Inc. | FL | Jeffrey | Bou... | Sales Director | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
748 | Haltermann Carless | IN | Bryan | Sch... | NA Sales Manager | 04/10/2024 | Attendee |
749 | Hapman | IN | Shawn | Cra... | Director | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
750 | Harcros Chemicals | NC | Gary | Del... | Regional Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
751 | Harcros Chemicals | GA | Rob | Fol... | Regional Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
752 | Harcros Chemicals | KS | Jared | Rei... | Global Director of Sales & Market | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
753 | Harcros Chemicals | GA | Samer | Sab... | Sales Manager - Specialty Group | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
754 | Harcros Chemicals, Inc. | TX | Matt | Shi... | Market Manager - Agriculture | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
755 | Hatton-Mapes LLC / dba GLH | GA | Bern | Map... | Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
756 | Haviland Products Company | MI | Dan | Bur... | HPC Account Manager | 03/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
757 | Haviland Products Company | MI | Kyle | Gum... | Category Lead Packaging & Progr | 03/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
758 | Haviland Products Company | MI | JIM | KNA... | Sr. Director of Business Develop | 03/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
759 | Haviland Products Company | MI | MARK | SIE... | HPC Senior Technical Sales | 03/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
760 | Heartwood Partners | CT | Morgan | Ska... | Vice President | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
761 | Heartwood Partners | CT | Edwin | Tan | Managing Partner | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
762 | Heinkel Filtering Systems In | NJ | Bob | Edw... | Sales & Business Development M | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
763 | HeiQ Chemtex | NC | David | Bil... | Technical Vice President | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
764 | HeiQ ChemTex | NC | Keith | Zim... | Director of Textile R&D | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
765 | Helena Agri.-Enterprises., L | TN | Stacy | Doo... | Director, Omni Brands | 04/23/2024 | Attendee |
766 | Helena Agri.-Enterprises., L | TN | Ajish | Tho... | International Business Dev and O | 04/23/2024 | Attendee |
767 | Helena Industries, LLC | TN | Phil | Ber... | President & CEO | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
768 | Helena Industries, LLC | TN | Scott | Bra... | Director Sales & Procurement | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
769 | Helena Industries, LLC | GA | Jeff | Owe... | Toll Sales Manager | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
770 | Helena Industries, LLC | IA | Shawn | Tor... | Plant Manager | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
771 | Helena Industries, LLC | TN | David | Wic... | Sourcing Manager | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
772 | Helena Industries, LLC | TN | James | Wil... | Procurement Manager | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
773 | Helm Agro | FL | Nicholas | Myl... | Head of Supply Chain/Operations | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
774 | Helm Agro | FL | Fabian | Sie... | Global Value Chain Manager | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
775 | HELM U.S | SC | Rob | Med... | Sales Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
776 | Hemani Industries | India | Nirmal | Tha... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
777 | Heniff Logistics, LLC | IL | Brian | Fon... | President | 01/10/2024 | Attendee |
778 | Heniff Logistics, LLC | IL | Colin | Joh... | Customer Sales Specialist | 01/10/2024 | Attendee |
779 | Heniff Transportation System | GA | Jeff | Uhl | National Account Manager - Inter | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
780 | Hennepin Partners | MN | Chris | Gey... | Managing Director | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
781 | Heraeus Precious Metals | CA | Vicky | Bru... | Sales Manager | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
782 | Heraeus Precious Metals | CA | Chiranjit | Sap... | Sales Manager | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
783 | Heraeus Precious Metals NA | CA | Briana | Kin... | Inside Sales Representative | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
784 | Heubach Colorants USA LLC | NC | Lisa | Gul... | Market Segment Manager-Special | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
785 | Heubach Colorants USA, LLC | NC | Amadi | Sco... | Technical Sales Representative-S | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
786 | Highway Transport | IL | Michelle | Hor... | Managing Director of Sales | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
787 | Highway Transport | TN | Erik | May | National Account Executive | 04/12/2024 | Attendee |
788 | Hockmeyer Equipment Corp | NC | Zachary | O'K... | Process, Service & Sales Support | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
789 | Hockmeyer Equipment Corp | NC | Dustin | Tho... | Process Optimization & Technical | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
790 | Honeywell | IN | Sivakumar | Sun... | AMER Life Science Growth Leader | 04/19/2024 | Attendee |
791 | Honeywell International, Inc | TX | Taylor | Zei... | Global Commodity Manager | 05/01/2024 | Attendee |
792 | Honeywell Process Solutions | CO | Arshad | Azw... | Director Business Development | 01/26/2024 | Attendee |
793 | Honeywell UOP | NC | Paul | Bac... | Director of Strategic Sourcing | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
794 | Honour | India | Krishna Chaitanya | Kur... | General Manager, Strategy and B | 04/18/2024 | Attendee |
795 | Hoover CS | TX | Dave | Hax... | Key Account Manager | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
796 | Hoover CS | TX | Britney | Sam... | Senior Marketing Manager | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
797 | Hoover CS | TX | David | Van... | Director of Sales | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
798 | Hoover Treated Wood Products | GA | Jeffrey | Dav... | Director of Licensees and Chemic | 02/16/2024 | Attendee |
799 | Hoyer Global USA, Inc | TX | Blake | Row... | Sales Manager | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
800 | HOYER Global USA, Inc. | TX | Payton | Her... | Sales Manager | 05/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
801 | HOYER Global USA, Inc. | TX | Anna | Ngu... | Commercial Manager | 05/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
802 | HOYER GROUP | TX | BRYANT | BOC... | SALES MANAGER | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
803 | Huber Engineered Materials | GA | Scott | Hol... | Sr. Director, Global Procurement | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
804 | Huber Engineered Materials | GA | Kathy | Lim... | Senior Strategic Sourcing Manage | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
805 | Huntington Bank | SC | Toby | Rau | Managing Director - Metals, Che | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
806 | Huntsman | NH | Ayrat | Giz... | Innovations Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
807 | Huntsman | TX | Abhay | Kan... | Sr Manager (Sourcing) | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
808 | Huntsman | TX | Brett | Spe... | R&D Engineer | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
809 | HV2 Custom Grinding & Processing | PA | Niral | She... | VP | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
810 | HV2 Custom Grinding & Processing | PA | Niya | She... | Student | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
811 | Hydera LLC | SC | Greg | Vin... | CCO & VP Depot Network Develo | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
812 | Hydrite | WI | Matt | Det... | Corporate Accounts Manager | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
813 | Hydrite | WI | Nick | Haw... | Executive Director, Corporate De | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
814 | Hydrite Chemical Co. | WI | Daniel | Woj... | General Manager - Process | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
815 | Hydrus Chemical | Japan | Daisuke | Mor... | sales manager | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
816 | IBC Manufacturing Co | TN | Crystal | Nor... | Purchasing Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
817 | icc chemical corp | NY | peter | des... | trader | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
818 | ICL Phosphate Specialties | AL | Brian | Cru... | Account Executive | 02/22/2024 | Attendee |
819 | ICL Phosphate Specialties | RI | Chris | Phi... | Key Account Manager | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
820 | ICL Specialty Phosphates | MO | John | Pai... | Senior Sales Manager | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
821 | ICL-IP America | MO | John | Bel... | Sales Manager | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
822 | ICL-IP America | GA | Stephen | Mul... | Sales Manager | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
823 | IGC Partners | Brazil | Rafael | Bol... | Partner | 12/14/2023 | Attendee |
824 | IGC Partners | FL | Debora | Kro... | Partner | 12/14/2023 | Attendee |
825 | IGC Partners | FL | Camila | Nis... | Partner | 12/14/2023 | Attendee |
826 | IMCD | NJ | Sibu | Var... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
827 | InChem Rock Hill, LLC | SC | Mike | Cro... | Commercial Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
828 | InChem Rock Hill, LLC | SC | Brian | Ham... | VP - Engineering | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
829 | InChem Rock Hill, LLC | SC | Roy | Kel... | VP - Technical | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
830 | INCOA Performance Minerals | AL | Becky | Cun... | Senior Sales & Customer Service | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
831 | InCon Process Systems | IL | John | Pal... | President | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
832 | Independent Chemical Corp | NY | Marc | Ull... | Director of Sales and Procuremen | 02/08/2024 | Attendee |
833 | Independent Chemical Corp. | NY | Jonathan | Spi... | President | 02/08/2024 | Attendee |
834 | Indicor | GA | Tyson | And... | VP of Innovation | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
835 | Indicor | GA | Dan | Ham... | Innovation Engineer | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
836 | Indo Amines Americas LLC | DE | Milind | Abh... | Director | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
837 | Indo Amines Americas LLC | DE | Renee | Lus... | Senior Sales and Business Develo | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
838 | Indo Amines Americas LLC | DE | Austin | Sch... | Sales/Business Development Man | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
839 | Indo Amines Americas LLC | DE | Prasad | Tar... | VP Sales & Marketing | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
840 | Indorama | CA | Bardia | Deh... | Account Manager | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
841 | Indorama Ventures | TX | Anthony | Mai | Technical Services & Developmen | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
842 | Indorama Ventures Oxides LLC | TX | Brett | But... | Sr. Account Manager | 04/10/2024 | Attendee |
843 | Indorama Ventures: Indovinya | TX | Mina | Jab... | Account Manager - Crop Solution | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
844 | IndSpyre Solutions | GA | Harrison | Fin... | General Manager | 10/16/2023 | Attendee |
845 | INEOS Acetyls | IL | Sam | Maw... | Sales Manager | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
846 | INEOS Acetyls | TX | Jonathan | Moh... | Sales Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
847 | INEOS Acetyls | NY | Roger | Sum... | Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
848 | INFASA | Mexico | Mauricio | Ser... | International Business Manager | 06/22/2024 | Attendee |
849 | Infineum | NJ | Eric | L'H... | Process Techologist | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
850 | Infineum | NJ | Nga | Ngu... | Global Category Leader | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
851 | Ingevity | SC | Ashley | Bro... | Global Contract Manufacturing M | 04/16/2024 | Attendee |
852 | Ingevity | SC | Alexandria | Her... | Oilfield Technical Service Manage | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
853 | Ingevity | SC | Matthew | Hun... | Plant Support Chemist | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
854 | Inhance Technologies | GA | Thomas | Lee | Vice President of Specialty Chemi | 05/01/2024 | Attendee |
855 | Inmark | FL | Bill | Had... | Packaging Consultant | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
856 | Inmark | GA | Tracy | Tay... | Package Consultant | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
857 | Innospec | VA | Jonathan | Sel... | Global Business Director | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
858 | Innospec Inc. | NC | Yuliang | Wan... | Global Tech Director, Agrochemic | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
859 | Innospec Performance Chem | TN | Jennifer | Bea... | Commercial and Technical Devel | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
860 | Innovative Resource Mgmt | SC | Chris | Joh... | Strategic Sourcing and Supply Cha | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
861 | Innovative Resource Mgmt | SC | Will | Llo... | Technical Business Development | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
862 | Innovative Resource Mgmt | SC | Reggie | Stu... | Senior Product Acquisition Manag | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
863 | Integrity Biochem | RI | Chris | Man... | Sales agent | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
864 | Integrity Biochem | TX | Bryce | Par... | SVP Growth & Corporate Strategy | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
865 | Integrity Biochem, LLC | TX | Dave | Coo... | Sr. Director of Agricultural Produc | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
866 | Integrity Partners Group | VA | Darren | Bir... | Chief Executive Officer | 04/16/2024 | Attendee |
867 | InterAtlas Chemical | Canada | Tyler | Hem... | Account Executive | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
868 | InterAtlas Chemical | Canada | Johnny | Pai... | Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
869 | International Chemical Group | Canada | Edward | Bah... | President | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
870 | International Chemical Group | Canada | Veronica | Tof... | Procurement & Logistics | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
871 | International Process Plants | NJ | Irem | Erd... | Equipment Sales | Special Project | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
872 | International Process Plants | NJ | Donna | Eri... | Marketing/Tradeshow Coordinat | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
873 | International Process Plants | NJ | Keith | Wes... | Director, Global Equipment Sales | 06/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
874 | Interstate Commodities Corp | SC | Chris | Urb... | Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
875 | Intrepid Web Solutions | MA | Craig | And... | Owner | 02/22/2024 | Attendee |
876 | INVISTA | KS | JACK | TAT... | GLOBAL LEADER CHEMICAL TOLL | 11/08/2023 | Attendee |
877 | INVISTA | GA | Chris | Tea... | Contract Manufacturing Manager | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
878 | Iofina Chemical | KY | Ken | Sul... | Sales and Marketing Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
879 | Iofina Chemical, Inc. | KY | kurt | jon... | Chief Operating Officer | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
880 | IPAC-INC | VA | Piotr | Grz... | Chemist | 02/12/2024 | Attendee |
881 | IPACKCHEM USA, LLC | KY | Iqbal | Dhi... | Chief Strategy & Business Develo | 10/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
882 | IPACKCHEM USA, LLC | KY | Joel | Var... | Vice President & General Manage | 10/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
883 | IPCO US LLC | NJ | Shannon | Bar... | Aftermarket Sales Engineer | 01/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
884 | IPCO US LLC | NJ | KEVIN | Hag... | Sales Engineer | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
885 | ISK Biosciences | OH | Anthony | Col... | Supply Chain Manager | 02/09/2024 | Attendee |
886 | ISK Biosciences | TN | Pete | Tch... | Vice President of Operations | 03/11/2024 | Attendee |
887 | ISK Biosciences Corporation | TN | Brandon | Bro... | Formulation Chemist | 03/29/2024 | Attendee |
888 | ISK Biosciences Corporation | TN | Ashley | Bro... | Lab Manager | 03/04/2024 | Attendee |
889 | ISky North America | OH | Chad | Joh... | Chief Commercial Officer | 03/21/2024 | Attendee |
890 | ITAC | SC | Steve | Str... | Sr. Manager - Business Developm | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
891 | ITD Chemical LLC | GA | Joseph | Dan... | Owner / CEO | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
892 | Itochu Chemicals America | UT | Mike | Kea... | Sales Manager | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
893 | Ivanhoe Industries | IL | Jesse | Gro... | Regional Sales Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
894 | Ivanhoe Industries | TX | Keith | Ham... | National Sales Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
895 | Ivanhoe Industries | IL | Jon | Par... | Eastern Regional Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
896 | Ivanhoe Industries | IL | Paul | Pee... | Executive Vice President | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
897 | Iwaki America | MA | Andrew | Chr... | Iwaki Regional Sales Manager Ce | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
898 | IWL, Inc | FL | Gary | Sou... | Marketing | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
899 | J R Hess Company | RI | Tony | Tho... | EVP | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
900 | J William Breen Inc | SC | J William | Bre... | President | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
901 | J. Rettenmaier USA LP | MI | Chad | Kei... | Account Manager, Filtration | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
902 | J. Rettenmaier USA LP | MI | Chad | Lon... | Technical R&D Scientist | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
903 | J.G. Chempac Inc | NC | Tom | McK... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
904 | Jaguar Transport | MO | Doug | Sto... | VP Business Development | 10/06/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
905 | Jaguar Transport | KY | Sam | Ter... | VP Business Development | 10/02/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
906 | JAIN CHEM LTD. | SC | STEVE | HOL... | DIRECTOR OF SALES | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
907 | JAIN CHEM LTD. | SC | Brad | Ric... | CHEMIST | 02/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
908 | JAIN CHEM LTD. | SC | Remy | Sam... | COO | 02/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
909 | JAIN CHEM LTD. | SC | Uta | Sam... | QUALITY/ISO REPRESENTATIVE | 02/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
910 | Jarrett Logistics | OH | Michael | Fra... | Director | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
911 | Jarrett Logistics | OH | Hugh | Wol... | Director of Business Developmen | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
912 | Jersey Girl Logistics | NJ | JoAnne | Bri... | Owner | 09/04/2023 | Attendee |
913 | Jiangsu Green Chemtech | China | XIAOBO | ZHA... | Sales Manager | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
914 | JMG Process Solutions LLC | AZ | John | Goh... | Principal Consultant | 05/27/2024 | Attendee |
915 | John S. James Co. | GA | Paul | Row... | Business Development Executive | 02/28/2024 | Attendee |
916 | JohnPac, Bulk Bag God | LA | Hans | Pec... | Global Technical Director | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
917 | JohnPac, LLC | LA | Gunner | Ake... | VP of Sales | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
918 | Johnson Matthey | NJ | Dan | Arn... | Senior Technical Product Specialis | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
919 | Johnson Matthey | NJ | Aidan | Ker... | Refining Sales Representative | 04/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
920 | Johnson Matthey | NJ | Vicky | Lin | New Business Development Man | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
921 | Johnson Matthey | NJ | Logan | Sch... | Technical Sales Manager | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
922 | Johnson Matthey | NJ | Eliana | Uri... | New Business Development Man | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
923 | Jubilant Life Sciences | PA | Rishi | Gan... | Sr Director of Sales | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
924 | Jubilant Life Sciences USA | PA | Manish | Dav... | Sr. Manager Business Developme | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
925 | JULABO USA | PA | Mark | Die... | Senior Product Manager | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
926 | JULABO USA | PA | Lisa | Spr... | Senior Account Manager | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
927 | Jungbunzlauer | MA | Robin | Bec... | Senior Distribution Manager | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
928 | Jungbunzlauer, Inc. | MA | Stephen | Bab... | Regional Sales Manager | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
929 | Jungbunzlauer, Inc. | MA | Ben | Kin... | Regional Sales Manager | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
930 | Jungbunzlauer, Inc. | MA | Duncan | Kis... | Regional Sales Manager | 03/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
931 | Jungbunzlauer, Inc. | MA | Alex | Mer... | Marketing Project Manager | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
932 | Kannar Earth Science, Ltd. | GA | Sam | Clo... | President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
933 | Kao | TX | Haifa | Kha... | Senior Sales and Market Specialist | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
935 | Kao Specialties Americas | NC | Virginia | Tad... | Sales Manager, Oleochemicals | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
936 | KCH Transportation | GA | Carson | Alm... | Manager, Business Development | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
937 | KCH Transportation | GA | Sidney | Hay... | Manager, Business Development | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
938 | KeenBolden LLC | TX | Jorge | Tor... | CEO | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
939 | KeenBolden, LLC | TX | Jourdan | Bro... | Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
940 | Kemira/Atlanta | GA | Wayne | Ben... | Sr.Account Manager | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
941 | Kemlink USA | TX | Steve | Cap... | VP Sales & Marketing | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
942 | Key International Inc. | NJ | JON | BRA... | Marketing Manager | 06/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
943 | Key International, Inc. | NJ | Saulo | De ... | Sales Engineer | 06/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
944 | KeyBanc Capital Markets | NY | David | Ruf | Managing Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
945 | K-I Chemical U.S.A. Inc. | NC | Naoki | Wat... | Manager, Specialty Chemical Pro | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
946 | Kiewit Industrial Group Inc. | KS | Jeff | Jen... | Senior Business Development Dir | 02/27/2024 | Attendee |
947 | Kinder Morgan | SC | Ben | And... | Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
948 | Kingchem Life Science, LLC | NJ | Colin | Eck... | Director of Sales | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
949 | Kingchem Life Science, LLC | NJ | Ryan | Yod... | Senior Vice President Business De | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
950 | Koch Agronomic Services | KS | Wayne | Hac... | Global Toll Manufacturing Manag | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
951 | Koch Agronomic Services LLC | KS | Laurie | Dro... | Strategic Buyer | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
952 | Kodak Solvent Recovery | NY | David | DuB... | Solvent Sales Manager | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
953 | Kodak Specialty Chemicals | NY | Jordan | And... | Material Sourcing Strategist | 03/12/2024 | Attendee |
954 | Kopper Chemical Industry | China | Songyun | Zou | VP of Business Development | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
955 | Kopper Chemical Industry | China | Zoey | Zou | VP of Business Development | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
956 | Koppers Inc | PA | Joan | Dru... | Purchasing Manager | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
957 | Koppers Performance Chemical | SC | Shane | Ans... | Facility Technical Trainer | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
958 | Koppers Performance Chemical | SC | Oliver | Lie... | Project Engineer | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
959 | Koppers Performance Chemical | SC | Diamund | McC... | Process Engineer | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
960 | Kraton | GA | Gerry | Hee... | Senior Manger | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
961 | Kraton Chemical LLC | FL | Arnaud | Fur... | Sales Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
962 | Krofta Technologies | MA | Haley | Seg... | Chemical Coordinator | 02/13/2024 | Attendee |
963 | KSY Group | MS | Yash | Pat... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
964 | KSY Group | MS | Kathan | Pat... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
965 | Kuraray America | TX | Yasushi | Mor... | Market Development Manager | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
966 | Kuraray America, Inc. | TX | Tom | Hyd... | Market Manager | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
967 | L.E.K. Consulting | NY | Morgan | Cal... | Managing Director | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
968 | Labcorp | MI | Brad | Day... | Director, Business Development | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
969 | Lamberti SpA | Italy | Marco | Mig... | Business Manager Agriculture | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
970 | Lamberti Spa | Brazil | Thiago | Pap... | LATAM BU Mananger - Agro Divisi | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
971 | Lamberti Synthesis USA, Inc | TN | Paul | Win... | Business Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
972 | Lamberti USA | IL | Stephen | Slo... | National Account Manager | 05/01/2024 | Attendee |
973 | Lamberti USA Inc. | TX | Scott | Tan... | Business Manager Agriculture Divi | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
974 | LANXESS | OH | Bill | Roh... | Head of Sales | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
975 | LANXESS | Saltigo | MI | Steve | Ade... | Business Development Manager | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
976 | LANXESS | Saltigo | Germany | Christoph | Sch... | Head of Marketing & Sales | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
977 | LANXESS | Saltigo | PA | Verena | Ven... | Head of Saltigo (North America) | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
978 | LANXESS CORP | PA | Glen | Bow... | Head of Sales, Americas Region | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
979 | LANXESS CORP | CT | Phil | DiS... | Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
980 | LANXESS Corp. | PA | Osama | Lah... | Sales Account Managr | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
981 | LANXESS Corporation | PA | Tom | Bur... | Sales Manager | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
982 | LANXESS Corporation | PA | Tim | Gag... | Communications Managear | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
983 | Lanxess Corporation | PA | Jimmy | Kne... | Account Manager | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
984 | Lasso Technologies | TX | Daniel | Iri... | EVP | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
985 | Lauda-Brinkmann | NJ | Christopher | Seb... | Southeast Account Manager | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
986 | LAXAI | SC | James | Sch... | Director of Business Developmen | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
987 | Lazard Frères & Co. LLC | MN | Joe | Sma... | Director | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
988 | LBB Specialties | CT | Bob | Cli... | Sales Director, Advanced Material | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
989 | LBB Specialties | CT | Jay | Lan... | EVP, Business Development | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
990 | LBB Specialties | CT | Janet | Loz... | Director, tradeshows | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
991 | LBB Specialties | CT | Jon | Yan... | Sales Acct Manager | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
992 | LBB Specialties | CT | Panos | Yan... | SVP, Industrial Specialties | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
993 | LCI Corporation | NC | Alva | God... | Process Engineer, Granulation | 02/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
994 | LCI Corporation | NC | Matthias | Mon... | Thermal Separations Sales Manag | 09/28/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
995 | LCI Corporation | NC | Lauren | Pet... | LCI Granulation Sales Manager | 09/28/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
996 | LCI Corporation | NC | Alyson | Wit... | Sales Engineer | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
997 | Legacy Chemical Corporation | LA | Craig | Dem... | Vice President - Specialty Chemic | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
998 | Legacy Chemical Corporation | LA | Frank | Far... | President | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
999 | Legacy Chemical Corporation | LA | Gene | Ric... | Business Development Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1000 | Lehan Chemical Brokerage LLC | VA | Linda | LaF... | Owner | 11/07/2023 | Attendee |
1001 | Lehan Chemical Brokerage LLC | VA | Adele | LaF... | Spouse | 11/07/2023 | Attendee |
1002 | Lehan Chemical Brokerage LLC | VA | Kori | LaF... | Spouse | 11/14/2023 | Attendee |
1003 | Lehan Chemical Brokerage LLC | VA | Brian | LaF... | President | 11/07/2023 | Attendee |
1004 | Lehan Chemical Brokerage LLC | VA | Karl | LaF... | Vice President | 11/07/2023 | Attendee |
1005 | Lehan Chemical Brokerage LLC | VA | Erik | LaF... | VP of Sales | 11/07/2023 | Attendee |
1006 | Leschaco | TX | Andrew | Sco... | Head of Sales USA | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1007 | Leschaco, Inc. | TX | Kevin | Sex... | National Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1008 | LG H&H | South Korea | EDWARD | BAE | Overseas Chemical Sales Team Le | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1009 | LG H&H | South Korea | JAYS | KIM | Sales Manager | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1010 | LGC | Canada | Nikunj | Bha... | Global Category Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1011 | Lianhetech North America | SC | George | Poe | President | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
1012 | Lianhetech North America | SC | Pete | Sch... | Vice President | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
1013 | Liberty Specialty Chemicals | NC | Timothy | Pol... | National Sales Manager | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1014 | Liberty Specialty Chemicals | NC | Ritesh | Ved | President | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1015 | Lincoln International | CA | James | Dai... | Director | 03/11/2024 | Attendee |
1016 | Linde | IL | Roman | Gro... | Director, National Business Devel | 02/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1017 | Linde | CT | Al | Hor... | Business Development Manager | 02/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1018 | Linde Inc. | NC | Josh | Are... | Account Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1019 | Lineage Labs | FL | Chris | Gal... | President | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1020 | Lineage Labs | FL | Jack | Rai... | Sales Associate | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1021 | Lintech International | GA | Lynne | Buk... | VP of Market Strategy & Principal | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1022 | Lintech International | GA | Chuck | Chu... | VP of Principal Relations | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1023 | Lintech International | GA | Alex | Kir... | Sales Associate Agri Specialties | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1024 | Lintech International | GA | Will | Shu... | Product Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1025 | Lodige Process Technology | KY | Michael | Loo... | Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1026 | Lodige Process Technology | KY | Jeff | Raa... | General Manager | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1027 | Louisiana Chemical Equipment | TX | Lawrence | Med... | VP Sales | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1028 | Magnum INTL, Inc | IN | Troy | Cre... | President | 10/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1029 | Magnum INTL, Inc | IN | Eric | Hod... | Sales | 10/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1030 | Mantis Innovation | TX | Todd | Lot... | Sales Executive | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1031 | Mapei Corp | FL | Angela | Tro... | Category Manager for Finished G | 02/16/2024 | Attendee |
1032 | Marquis XT | IL | Devin | Slo... | Technical Account Manager | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
1033 | Mastermelt America | TN | Joe | Bin... | Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1034 | Mastermelt America | TN | Cody | Sim... | Sales Representative | 04/17/2024 | Attendee |
1035 | Mastermelt America LLC | PA | Bert | Lor... | National Sales Mgr. | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
1036 | Matangi Industries LLP | India | Ramesh | Pat... | Business Head PC | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
1037 | Mauser Packaging Solutions | IL | Kathleen | Don... | Marketing Manager | 06/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1038 | Mauser Packaging Solutions | IL | Mark | Puc... | Dir., Plastic Business Developmen | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1039 | Mauser Packaging Solutions | IL | Michelle | Wit... | Key Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1040 | Mayo Products Inc. | GA | Eric | Rog... | Chief Operations Officer | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1041 | Mayo Products, Inc. | GA | John | Bry... | Operations | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1042 | Mayo Products, Inc. | GA | Nathan | Bry... | Operations | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1043 | Mayzo Inc. | GA | Gaynor | Mor... | Inside Sales Manager | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1044 | MBA Energy & Industrial LLC | TX | Reid | Alt... | Business Development | 01/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1045 | MBA Energy & Industrial LLC | TX | Cory | Mar... | Principal | 01/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1046 | MBP Solutions | CA | Ryan | Loe | Technical Sales Manager | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1047 | MBP Solutions | Switzerland | David | Mag... | Solution Developer, Partner | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1048 | McGean | OH | Anita | Fox | Supply Chain Manager | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1049 | McGean | OH | Mara | Gli... | Executive Vice President | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1050 | McGean | OH | Denise | Kin... | Account Manager | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1051 | McGean | OH | Mike | Vel... | Director Global Sales Strategy | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1052 | McGean | OH | Braden | Whe... | Account Manager | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1053 | MegaChem Container Specialists | NC | Jeff | Cur... | Account Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1054 | Megaloid Laboratories Ltd. | Canada | James | Ver... | Sales & Procurement | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
1055 | Membrane Process & Controls | WI | Bill | Wen... | Director of ASME Products | 10/10/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1056 | MESSER | NJ | Peter | Stu... | Chemistry and Environmental Ma | 04/12/2024 | Attendee |
1057 | Metallix Refining | NJ | Peter | Fra... | Buyer | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1058 | Metallix Refining | NJ | Dayron | Ort... | Outside Sales Manager | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1059 | Metro | GA | Gene | Jen... | Sales Rep | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1060 | Metso | PA | Andrew | Cha... | Sales Manager | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1061 | MFG Chemical | GA | Grover | Gor... | Business Development Manager | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1062 | MFG Chemical | TN | Dick | McC... | Business Development Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1063 | MFG Chemical LLC | GA | Tyler | Tho... | Product Manager | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1064 | MGK | MN | Lori | Bro... | Supply Chain and Botanicals Direc | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
1065 | MGK | MN | Caroline | Cro... | Buyer | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
1066 | MGK | MN | Matt | Rad... | Manager, External Manufacturing | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
1067 | MGM Marketing, inc. | KS | Pat | Gib... | Ingredient Merchandiser | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1068 | MGM Marketing, Inc. | KS | Cody | Sei... | Ingredient Merchandiser | 12/29/2023 | Attendee |
1069 | Micro Chem Company | GA | Randy | Con... | President / Owner | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1070 | Micro Chem Company | GA | Robert | Hol... | Vice President / Owner | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1071 | Micro Chem Company | GA | Andrew | Hol... | Quality Control Manager | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1072 | Microban Products Company | NC | Brian | Owe... | VP Global Supply Chain | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1073 | Midas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | NJ | Tim | Feu... | President | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1074 | Midas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | NJ | Michael | Wil... | Director, Marketing and Sales | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1075 | Mid-State Industrial Service | FL | Mike | Jac... | Market Development Manager | 04/08/2024 | Attendee |
1076 | Mid-State Industrial Service | FL | Joe | Maz... | Field Market Development Mana | 04/08/2024 | Attendee |
1077 | Midwestern BioAg | WI | Gaji | Bal... | President | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1078 | Milliken & Company | SC | David | Ash... | Sales & Marketing Director, Agric | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1079 | Milliken & Company | SC | Brian | Bur... | VP & Business Manager, Fine Che | 05/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1080 | Milliken & Company | SC | Cliff | Byn... | Global Product Manager, Fine Ch | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1081 | Milliken & Company | SC | Sergio | Cor... | Senior Account Manager, Agricult | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1082 | Milliken & Company | SC | Kim | Kin... | Lead Account Manager, Fine Che | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1083 | Milliken & Company | SC | Al | Kis... | Global Procurement Spealist | 10/18/2023 | Attendee |
1084 | Milliken & Company | SC | Kelley | Law | Senior Account Manager, Fine Ch | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1085 | Milliken & Company | SC | John | Low... | Lead Account Manager, Agricultur | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1086 | Milliken & Company | SC | Mike | McD... | Vice President Sourcing, Chemical | 10/02/2023 | Attendee |
1087 | Milliken & Company | WI | Ryan | Mic... | Global Product Leader | 01/17/2024 | Attendee |
1088 | Milliken & Company | SC | Ryan | Mic... | Business Development Manager | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1089 | Milliken & Company | SC | Matt | Min... | Sourcing Manager | 11/27/2023 | Attendee |
1090 | Milliken & Company | SC | Randy | Sch... | Senior Business Development Ma | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1091 | Milliken & Company | SC | Mike | Sel... | VP, Sales and Marketing, Fine Che | 05/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1092 | Milliken & Company | SC | Clif | Thi... | R&D Manager, Silicones | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1093 | Milliken & Company | SC | Blake | Wes... | Laboratory Technician III, Silicone | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1094 | Milliken Chemical | SC | Brian | Mye... | External Manufacturing Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1095 | Milliken Chemical | SC | Bubba | Pat... | Lead Account Manager | 01/15/2024 | Attendee |
1096 | Milliken Chemical | SC | Simon | Zha... | Senior Global Sourcing Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1097 | Mitchell Industries | TX | Rene | Gar... | Coatings Division Operations Man | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
1098 | Mitchell Products | NJ | Lehn | Wea... | Director of Research & Product D | 04/10/2024 | Attendee |
1099 | MIXCO Lotus Mixers Inc | FL | Robert | Nai... | VP Tech | 10/05/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1100 | MIXCO Lotus Mixers Inc | FL | Patricia | Nai... | Treasurer | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1101 | MJS Packaging | GA | Bart | Lat... | Sales Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
1102 | Momar | NC | Jim | Wil... | Sales Rep | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
1103 | Momar / MinTech | GA | Harry | Hey... | National Sales Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1104 | Momentive | NY | Bradley | Cos... | Sales Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1105 | MomMed | NY | Django | Jia... | Chief Procurement Officer | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1106 | MomMed | NY | Zheng | She... | Sales Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1107 | Monument Chemical | IN | Rob | Ein... | Business Development Manager | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1108 | Monument Chemical | TX | Jorge | Fer... | Senior Account Manager | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
1109 | Monument Chemical | TX | Liam | McM... | Director, Custom Manufacturing | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
1110 | Mount Vernon Chemicals | NC | Michael | Zav... | President | 10/24/2023 | Attendee |
1111 | MSU Bioeconomy Institute | MI | Tom | Bau... | Environmental Compliance Office | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1112 | MSU Bioeconomy Institute | MI | Douglas | Hee... | Director, MSU Bioeconomy Instit | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1113 | MUFG Bank, Ltd. | IL | Alexander | Don | Vice President | 02/07/2024 | Attendee |
1114 | MUFG Bank, Ltd. | NY | Claudia | Lop... | Analyst | 02/07/2024 | Attendee |
1115 | Multi Modal / Tidewater | NC | Charlie | Bar... | Southeast Sales Representative | 04/30/2024 | Attendee |
1116 | Multi Modal / Tidewater | NC | Jim | Bou... | Vice President of Business Develo | 04/30/2024 | Attendee |
1117 | Multimodal Logisitics, LLC | NC | Josh | Fos... | VP Operations | 04/27/2024 | Attendee |
1118 | Multimodal Logisitics, LLC | NC | Eddie | Haw... | Project Manager | 04/27/2024 | Attendee |
1119 | MUNZING | NJ | Stephanie | Col... | Sales Manager | 04/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1120 | MUNZING | NJ | Dan | Dim... | Key Account Manager | 02/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1121 | MUNZING | NJ | Tina | Ley... | Technology Coordinator | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1122 | MUNZING | NJ | Greg | Ora... | Industry Specialist | 02/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1123 | MUNZING | NJ | Russell | Wes... | Sales Director | 04/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1124 | MXD Process | IN | James | Lyn... | Application Engineer | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1125 | MXD Process | IN | Ethan | Swe... | Account Executive | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1126 | Myers Ind | Elkhart Plastics | IN | Cullen | Jon... | Vice President Sales | 10/11/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1127 | Myers Ind | Elkhart Plastics | IN | Dwayne | Lon... | Account Manager, IBC Division | 10/11/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1128 | Myers Ind | Elkhart Plastics | IN | Dale | Ohl... | Account Executive, IBC Division | 10/11/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1129 | NACHURS | OH | David | Nic... | Sales Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1130 | NACHURS | OH | Paul | Wil... | Sales Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1131 | Nachurs Alpine Solutions | OH | Jeff | Bar... | CEO | 02/04/2024 | Attendee |
1132 | Nachurs Alpine Solutions | OH | Terry | Cho... | Director of Contract Manufacturi | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1133 | Nachurs Alpine Solutions | OH | Jarrod | Kin... | Director of Technical Services | 04/04/2024 | Attendee |
1134 | Nachurs Alpine Solutions | OH | Lee | Lew... | U.S. Sales Manager | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
1136 | Nagase America LLC | IL | Yasukazu | Nag... | Director of Asian Business Develo | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1137 | Nagase America LLC | CA | Tomoyuki | Nii | Marketing Representative | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1138 | Nagase America LLC | IL | Daichi | Ter... | Sales and Business Development | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1139 | NanoFlowX Inc. | TX | Rick | Fun... | BD | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
1140 | Nant Renewables | GA | Mike | Ble... | VP of Operations | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
1141 | NASi Industrial Chemicals | OH | Randy | Jan... | Sales Manager | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1142 | NASi Industrial Chemicals | OH | Mike | Pia... | VP | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1143 | NASi Industrial Chemicals | OH | Kevin | Smi... | Sales Manager | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1144 | Nasurfar | TX | George | Zhu | 06/27/2024 | Attendee | |
1145 | Nation Ford Chemical | SC | Glenn | Ber... | Plant Manager | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1146 | Nation Ford Chemical | SC | Brooke | DiD... | CTO | 08/29/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1147 | Native Microbials, Inc. | CA | Peyman | Mos... | Director of Downstream Process | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1148 | Nauset Mountain, LLC | NC | Jeff | Edw... | Principal | 11/02/2023 | Attendee |
1149 | NCSU | NC | Anka | Vel... | PI | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1150 | Nedamco | NJ | John | Doh... | Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1151 | Nesh | TX | Sidd | Gup... | CEO & Founder | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1152 | Nesh | TX | Jacqueline | Was... | Head of Marketing | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1153 | Net at Work | NY | Dev | Raw... | Solutions Engineer | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1154 | NETZSCH Premier Technologies | PA | Rebecca | Har... | Sales Manager | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1155 | NETZSCH Premier Technologies | PA | Fred | Mis... | Outside Sales Representatives | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1156 | NETZSCH Premier Technologies | PA | Steven | Ric... | Sales Engineer | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1157 | NETZSCH Premier Technologies | PA | Pat | Sal... | Sales Director | 03/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1158 | Neuchem Chemical | SC | Leonard | Boe... | New Business Development | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1159 | Neviton Technologies Inc | DE | Bharatha | Bhu... | VP Technology | 05/02/2024 | Attendee |
1160 | New Life Chemical | SC | Andrew | Kin... | Sales Manager | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1161 | New Life Chemical | SC | Travis | Nor... | Technical Sales Representative | 03/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1162 | New Life Chemical | SC | Tim | Nor... | President | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1163 | New Life Chemical | SC | Daniel | Ros... | Vice President | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1164 | NewPort Tank Containers | GA | Andrew | Pri... | Regional Representative | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
1165 | NFI Industries | NJ | Casie | Hou... | Corporate Sales Executive | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1166 | Ningxia Shunnyfield Chemical | China | Shen | Min... | Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1167 | NiuSource Inc. | CA | Yuxiang | Wan... | Product Manager (Global) | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1168 | Noah Chemicals | TX | JC | Mil... | Sr. Solutions Consultant | 04/05/2024 | Attendee |
1169 | NorFalco, a Glencore Company | GA | Patrick | Ben... | Southeast US Account Manager | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1170 | NORMAN, FOX & CO. | CA | Brendan | Don... | Sales Manager | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
1171 | NORMAN, FOX & CO. | CA | Stephen | Hal... | President | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
1172 | North Coast Container | OH | Dave | Lor... | VP Sales & Marketing | 03/06/2024 | Attendee |
1173 | North Coast Container | OR | Patrick | O'N... | Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1174 | North Coast Container | OH | Greg | Ram... | VP of Sales - East | 02/27/2024 | Attendee |
1175 | North Coast Container | IL | Holly | Sun... | Director of Business Developmen | 02/27/2024 | Attendee |
1176 | North Metal & Chemical Co | PA | Dave | Fit... | Vice President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1177 | Northland Chem/Lenzing/Englo | Canada | Jeff | Ste... | Business Development Manager | 06/02/2024 | Attendee |
1178 | Nouryon | IL | David | Pop... | Key Account Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1179 | Nova Molecular Technologies | WI | Trish | Mau... | Sales Executive | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1180 | NOVASOL NORTH AMERICA | Canada | Cornel | Mat... | Supply Chain Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
1181 | Novasol North America | Canada | Laura | Ria... | Inside Sale Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
1182 | Novasol North America | Mark | St.... | North American Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1183 | NRS Ocean Logistics Ltd | TX | Daniel | Par... | Regional Sales Manager Americas | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1184 | NRS OCEAN LOGISTICS LTD. | TX | Carlos | Rod... | Outside Sales | 04/11/2024 | Attendee |
1185 | NSWC IHD | MD | Anya | Pri... | Chemical Engineer | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
1186 | NUCO Logistics, Inc. | TX | Shirin | Swa... | Vice President - Strategic Develop | 04/23/2024 | Attendee |
1187 | Nufarm Americas | IL | Helder | Mir... | NA Procurement Director / Globa | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1188 | Nufarm Americas | IL | TJ | Nei... | Director, Contract Manufacturing | 04/19/2024 | Attendee |
1189 | Nufarm Americas | IL | Vivian | Van... | Category Manager - AI and Raw | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1190 | Nufarm Americas | IL | Andy | Wur... | External Manufacturing Manager | 04/18/2024 | Attendee |
1191 | Nufarm Americas | IL | Alexander | Zon... | Category Manager - Packaging an | 04/22/2024 | Attendee |
1192 | Numerator Technologies | FL | Jim | Tur... | CEO | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1193 | Nutrien | IL | Amy | Car... | Director Sales, Industrial Phospha | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1194 | Nutrien | CO | Joey | Mah... | Dir. Strategic Initiatives - Nutrien | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
1195 | Nutrien | Canada | GARRETT PAUL | She... | Saled Representative, Industrial P | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1196 | Oakwood Chemical | SC | Andy | Bav... | Business Development | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1197 | Oakwood Chemical | SC | Greg | But... | President | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1198 | Oakwood Chemical | SC | Tiffany | Hie... | Regulatory Manager | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1199 | Oakwood Chemical | SC | Megan | Rho... | Receiving Manager | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1200 | OC Specialties Pvt. Ltd. | IL | SATISH | HOD... | BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1201 | OC Specialties Pvt. Ltd. | India | HARDIK | SAN... | PRESIDENT - Business Developme | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1202 | OC Specialties Pvt. Ltd. | IL | MANISH | SHA... | MANAGING DIRECTOR | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1203 | OC Specialties Pvt. Ltd. | IL | VIKAS | SHA... | DIRECTOR | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1204 | Octochem Inc. | IL | John | Caf... | Business Development Mgr. | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1205 | OctoChem, Inc. | IL | Kolton | Etc... | Internal Account Coordinator | 03/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1206 | OctoChem, Inc. | IL | Mark | Lan... | CEO | 02/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1207 | Ohio Chemistry Tech Council | OH | Jenn | Kle... | President | 01/25/2024 | Attendee |
1208 | Oil Dri Corporation | IL | Yasmith | Ber... | General Manager | 04/22/2024 | Attendee |
1209 | Oil-Dri Corp of America | KY | Brett | Wei... | Sales Representative | 02/16/2024 | Attendee |
1210 | Omega Chemicals, Inc. | SC | Constantine | Ghi... | HSE Manager | 05/25/2024 | Attendee |
1211 | Omnium | MO | Sarah | Tob... | Business Optimization Manager | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
1212 | Omnium/Winfield United | IA | Dale | Cal... | Operations Director | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1213 | Optima Chemical Group | GA | Doug | Coc... | VP/GM, Business Development | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1214 | Optima Chemical Group | GA | Keith | Woo... | Manager, Supply Chain | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1215 | Optima Chemical Group, LLC | GA | Katie | Her... | Mgr, Operational Excellence | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1216 | Optima Chemical Group, LLC | GA | Charlie | Hin... | CEO/Owner | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1217 | Optima Chemical Group, LLC | GA | Ed | Lef... | Director, Business Development | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1218 | Optima Chemical Group, LLC | GA | Gene | Wil... | President | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1219 | OQ Chemicals | TX | Caleb | Joh... | North America Sales | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1220 | OQ Chemicals | TX | Rodrigo | Val... | Sales Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1221 | OQ Corporation (former OXEA) | GA | Bill | Par... | Sales Director US/Canada | 06/01/2024 | Attendee |
1222 | ORG CHEM Group | IN | Richard | Bee... | Business Unit Manager Heat Tran | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1223 | ORG CHEM Group | IN | Chad | Die... | Plant Engineer | 04/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1224 | ORG CHEM Group | IN | eric | loo... | VP Operations and Engineering | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1225 | ORG CHEM Group | IN | Jon | Zac... | R&D Manager | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1226 | Organic Dyes & Pigments | RI | Barry | Bra... | Regional Manager - Southeast | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1227 | Organic Dyes & Pigments | RI | Vince | Han... | Vice President of Sales & Marketi | 06/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1228 | Organic Dyes & Pigments | RI | Bill | Huc... | Business Develoment | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1229 | Organic Dyes & Pigments | RI | Nisarg | Pat... | Market Manager Agriculture | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1230 | Ortec Inc | SC | Greg | Rus... | VP Business Development | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1231 | Ortec, Inc. | SC | Rodney | Gar... | Business Manager | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1232 | OutSource | GA | Stan | Sta... | Consultant | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1233 | Outsource Logistics | GA | Pat | Bea... | VP of Transportation Valdosta/Tif | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1234 | Outsource Logistics | GA | Kevin | Jay... | COO | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1235 | Outsource Logistics | GA | David | Woo... | Director Warehousing and Transp | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1236 | Outsource Logistics | GA | Colby | Yat... | VP of Operations | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1237 | Outsource Logistics LLC | GA | Lee | Smi... | Owner | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1238 | Ovasco Industries | KY | Jordan | Sea... | Sales Executive | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1239 | Ovasco Industries | KY | Drew | Wei... | President | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1240 | Oxford Lasers | MA | James | Gue... | North American Sales Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1241 | Oxyde Chemicals | TX | Sofia | Her... | Business Development | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1242 | Oxyde Chemicals | TX | Regina | Lun... | Business Development | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1243 | Oxyde Chemicals | TX | Pedro | Ort... | Sales & Business Development | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1244 | Oxyde Chemicals | TX | Marcelo | Pon... | Trader | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
1245 | P2 Science | CT | Kate | Dru... | VP Marketing and Business Devel | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
1246 | Pak Technologies, Inc. | WI | David | Gre... | Director of Development | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1247 | Pak Technologies, Inc. | WI | Kevin | Sch... | President / CEO | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1248 | Palmer Holland, Inc. | OH | Anthony | Bov... | Account Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
1249 | Palmer Holland, Inc. | OH | Bret | Hor... | Vice President Consumer and Life | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
1250 | Palmer Holland, Inc. | OH | Angelo | LaR... | Account Manager | 05/23/2024 | Attendee |
1251 | Paramount Colors Inc | IL | Krishna | Iye... | Owner | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1252 | Paramount Colors Inc | IL | Frank | Lav... | EVP Commercial | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1253 | Paul Mueller Company | MO | Dennis | Dic... | Regional Sales Manager | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1254 | Paul Mueller Company | MO | Ryan | Haa... | Regional Sales Manager | 03/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1255 | Paul O. Abbe Inc. | IL | Jeff | Hof... | Vice President | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1256 | PBI Gordon | KS | Gary | Wol... | Vice President of Operations | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1257 | PBI-Gordon Corporation | KS | Bobby | Hor... | Director of Procurement | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1258 | PCC Chemax, Inc. | SC | Sabrina | Kog... | Purchasing Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1259 | PCC-Chemax Inc | SC | Aaron | Hir... | Busienss Development Mananger | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1260 | Pennakem | TN | James | Kas... | VP of Sales and Marketing | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1261 | Pennakem | TN | Allyne | Mon... | Sales Director | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1262 | Perry Construction Mgmt | GA | John | Dat... | Sales Associate | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1263 | Perry Videx | NJ | Pete | D'A... | Sales | 09/08/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1264 | Perry Videx | NJ | Mike | Ric... | Sales | 09/08/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1265 | PFP Commercial Consulting | SC | Jim | Sta... | Managing Director | 03/01/2024 | Attendee |
1266 | PhilChem | SC | David | Kel... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
1267 | PHT International, Inc. | NC | Ansley | Coc... | Senior Account Manager | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1268 | PHT International, Inc. | NC | Gopal | Sar... | Business Unit Head of Traditional | 06/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1269 | PHT International, Inc. | NC | Olivia | Vep... | Sales Assistant | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1270 | PHT International, Inc. | NC | Mark | Wit... | VP of Traditional Sales | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1271 | PHT International, Inc. | NC | Lihong | Yu | Chairwoman | 06/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1272 | Piedmont Chemical Industries | NC | Ben | Esp... | President | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1273 | Piedmont Chemical Industries | NC | Phil | Mad... | Technical Director | 03/27/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1274 | Piedmont Chemical Industries | NC | STEPHANIE | MAT... | Director of Business Operations | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1275 | Piedmont Chemical Industries | NC | Rede | Wil... | Sales Manager | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1276 | Pilot Chemical Company | OH | Marc | Fle... | Procurement Specialist – Raw Ma | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1277 | Pilot Chemical Company | OH | Glynn | Goe... | VP - Corporate Development | 03/12/2024 | Attendee |
1278 | Pilot Chemical Company | OH | Bert | Gut... | Commercial Development Manag | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1279 | Pilot Chemical Company | OH | Rob | Har... | MW&L and O&G Sales Manager | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1280 | Pilot Chemical Company | OH | Hugh | Hen... | Sr. Account Manager | 03/08/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1281 | Pilot Chemical Company | OH | Greg | Ros... | Manager – Corporate Engineering | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1282 | PKFIB | NY | Dan | Pot... | Director | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1283 | Platform Partners LLC | TX | Lucas | Kui... | Senior Vice President | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1284 | Platte River Equity | CO | Kris | Wha... | Managing Director | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
1285 | PLZ Aeroscience | GA | Jeff | Col... | Vice President of Sales | 04/22/2024 | Attendee |
1286 | PMC Organometallix | NJ | Andrew | Hog... | Regional Sales Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1287 | PMC Organometallix | KY | Wayne | Mey... | Sr R&D Chemist | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1288 | PMP Fermentation | IL | Jose | Cal... | Export Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1289 | PMP Fermentation | IL | Tonya | Lod... | Manager of Corporate Planning & | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1290 | PMP Fermentation | IL | Mandy | Mos... | NE Region Sales | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1291 | PNC Bank | DC | Matt | McT... | Director, Chemicals & Plastics | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
1292 | POLAQUIMIA, SA DE CV | Mexico | FRANCISCO | ALB... | NUEVOS PRODUCTOS | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1293 | Polaquimia, SA de CV | Mexico | Ilse | Gar... | DJP Smart Chemicals Leader | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1294 | Polaquimia, SA de CV | Mexico | Gregory | Pol... | CEO | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1295 | Polyrheo | PA | Jeff | Gat... | Vice President | 06/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1296 | Polyrheo | PA | Jijo | Geo... | Director | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1297 | Polyrheo | PA | Tony | Tho... | Director | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1298 | Portage Trading Co. | TX | Carl | Ger... | VP of Sales | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1299 | Porter Logistics | GA | Robert | Cru... | CEO | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1300 | Porter Logistics | GA | John | Fos... | Chief Revenue Officer | 04/26/2024 | Attendee |
1301 | Powder Processing & Technolo | IN | Bryan | Col... | Business Development Manager | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1302 | Powder Processing & Technolo | IN | John | kaz... | Managing Partner | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1303 | Powder Processing & Technolo | IN | Kevin | Poo... | Manunfacturing Manager | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1304 | PPHB LP | TX | Corey | Cor... | Vice President | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1305 | Pragna Group North America | Canada | ANIL | PAT... | BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT HEAD, | 04/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1306 | Pragna Group North America | India | SITARAM | PAT... | Director | 05/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1307 | Pragna Pharma Pvt. Ltd. | India | JIGNESH | PAT... | DIRECTOR | 09/30/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1308 | Preciball USA Inc | GA | Charlie | Har... | Industrial Sales Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1309 | Preciball USA Inc | GA | Matt | Web... | Sales Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1310 | Precision Laboratories | WI | Jim | Rei... | Vice President, Product Developm | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1311 | Premex Inc | NC | Matthew | Swe... | Sr Chemist | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1312 | Premier Bulk Systems | Canada | Jean Marc | For... | Director of Business Developmen | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1313 | Premier Chemicals & Services | LA | Trey | May... | Account Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1314 | Pressure Chemical Co. | PA | Adam | Den... | Technical Sales Representative | 03/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1315 | Pressure Chemical Co. | PA | Dan | Pal... | Technical Sales Manager | 03/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1316 | Pressure Chemical Co. | PA | Emily | Thu... | Director of Sales | 03/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1317 | Procedyne | NJ | Frank | Fis... | Sales Manager | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1318 | Procedyne | NJ | Tom | Par... | President and COO | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1319 | Process Oils, Inc | TX | Felicia | Gru... | Director of Business Developmen | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1320 | Process Oils, Inc | TX | Ryan | Sid... | Director of Business Developmen | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1321 | Process Systems & Controls | FL | John | Kel... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1322 | Proco Global Inc | TX | Tim | Ess... | Senior Partner, Industrials, North | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
1323 | Proconex | PA | John | Gil... | Digital BDM | 04/01/2024 | Attendee |
1324 | Procter and Gamble | NY | Brian | Fur... | Americas Sales Director | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1325 | Procter and Gamble | OH | Samantha | God... | Americas MS&P | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1326 | Procter and Gamble | OH | Kendra | Pol... | Americas Account Executive | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1327 | Procter and Gamble | OH | Olivia | Sev... | Americas Account Executive | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1328 | Proviron | WV | Ief | Pro... | Tolling Business Manager | 04/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1329 | Proviron | WV | Janet | Seb... | Commercial Manager | 04/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1330 | Pulcra Chemicals | SC | James | Can... | Inside Sales | 02/02/2024 | Attendee |
1331 | Pulcra Chemicals LLC | SC | Makenzie | Ken... | Purchasing Specialist | 02/06/2024 | Attendee |
1332 | PurposeBuilt Brands | IL | Stephen | Ric... | R&D Manager | 04/12/2024 | Attendee |
1333 | PurposeBuilt Brands | IL | Tom | Zil... | Sourcing | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
1334 | PVS Nolwood Chemicals | NY | Rick | Fra... | General Manager - Buffalo | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
1335 | Qi-Chem Co., Ltd. | MA | Cassidy | Gai | Marketing Director | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1336 | Qi-Chem Co., Ltd. | MA | Dianbao | Jia... | President | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1337 | Qi-Chem Co., Ltd. | MA | Young Jin | Lee | Senior Consultant | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1338 | Qingdao Soco New Material | China | Serena | Xu | Director of Industrial Sales Depar | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1339 | Qingdao SOCO New Material Co | China | Rongan | Liu | Business Director | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1340 | QML | RI | Rob | Car... | Business Development Manager | 02/12/2024 | Attendee |
1341 | QML Inc. | MA | Brenden | Smi... | Business Development | 02/19/2024 | Attendee |
1342 | Qualityze Inc | FL | Brion | Hop... | Quality Consultant | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
1343 | Qualityze Inc | FL | Naveen | Ven... | Quality Consultant | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
1344 | Quantong Chem | SC | Peter | Has... | President | 05/12/2024 | Attendee |
1345 | Quest Products | KS | Bill | Str... | Director | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1346 | QV Chemicals LLC | WA | Ajit | Sha... | VP Business Development | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1347 | QV Chemicals LLC | WA | Jeff | Slo... | Sales & Business Development | 05/16/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1348 | R3 Sustainability | CO | Kyle | Gra... | President | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1349 | Radchem Products, Inc. | IL | Cameron | Gla... | Director of Sales | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1350 | Radchem Products, Inc. | IL | Amy | Rad... | National Sales Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1351 | Radchem Products, Inc. | IL | CHRISTOPHER | WID... | Chief Operating Officer | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1352 | Rail Safe Training | IA | Russell | Yor... | Director of Program Developmen | 02/05/2024 | Attendee |
1353 | Rainbow Ecoscience | MN | David | And... | Director, Product Development | 01/23/2024 | Attendee |
1354 | Rainbow Treecare | MN | Daniel | Maj... | Products Manager | 03/05/2024 | Attendee |
1355 | Raymond James | NY | Jerry | Liu | Director | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1356 | RCM Thermal Kinetics | NY | Roy | Vit... | Business Development Manager | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
1357 | Reachem Chemicals | India | Abhishek | Raa... | CEO | 06/15/2024 | Attendee |
1358 | Reachem Chemicals | Canada | Meera | Ram... | Director- Global Operations | 04/10/2024 | Attendee |
1359 | Readybit Inc | WA | Trevor | Wil... | Founder | 05/16/2024 | Attendee |
1360 | Readybit Inc | WA | Matt | Wil... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1361 | Redox Inc | CA | NICK | OSM... | CEO / GENERAL MANAGER | 12/21/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1362 | Redox Inc | CA | Britney | Owe... | Senior Account Manager | 06/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1363 | REDOX INC | CA | JEREMY | RAN... | SALES MANAGER | 12/21/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1364 | Redox Inc | TX | DANIEL | ROD... | SENIOR BUSINESS MANAGER | 12/21/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1365 | Refined Resources | VA | Joey | Col... | Vp Operations | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
1366 | Refined Resources | GA | Sam | Hen... | Sales and Marketing | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
1367 | Reliance Label Solutions | KS | Troy | Luc... | Product Engineer | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1368 | Reliance Label Solutions | KS | James | Pfa... | Sr Territory Sales Manager | 05/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1369 | REO Processing | WV | Rebecca | Pol... | CEO | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1370 | REO Processing, Inc. | WV | Gregg | Fra... | President | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1371 | Republic Services | AL | Brian | All... | Territory Executive | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1372 | Republic Services | TX | Chelsea | Bur... | Territory Executive | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1373 | Republic Services | GA | Dominic | Cal... | Sales | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1374 | Republic Services | TX | Jennifer | Cha... | Territory Executive - Tank Leasing | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1375 | REPUBLIC SERVICES | NC | Barry | Cra... | Territory Executive | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1376 | Republic Services | TX | Josh | DeM... | Sales Manager | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1377 | Republic Services | LA | David | Dru... | Territory Executive - Louisiana | 03/29/2024 | Attendee |
1378 | Republic Services | IL | Chase | McL... | Territory Executive | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
1379 | Republic Services | NC | Stephanie | O'S... | Waste Solutions Executive | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1380 | Resil Chemicals | India | Siddharth | Kum... | Director | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
1381 | Resolute Oil | TX | Evan | Gau... | New Business Development | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1382 | Resource Label Group | TN | Faron | Kel... | Sales Representative | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1383 | Resource Label Group | TN | Aaron | Kil... | Regional VP of Sales - East | 05/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1384 | REVVITY SIGNALS SOFTWARE | MA | Richard | FIS... | Sr. Digital Marketing Manager | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1385 | REVVITY SIGNALS SOFTWARE | MA | Nicole | GRI... | Senior Software Specialist | 04/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1386 | REVVITY SIGNALS SOFTWARE | MA | Luke | KIL... | Software Sales Specialist | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1387 | REVVITY SIGNALS SOFTWARE | MA | Jun | LIU | Senior Marketing Manager | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1388 | RG Dispersants | GA | John | Riz... | Global Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1389 | RG Dispersants | GA | Carl | Ruu... | Technical Account Manager | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
1390 | Rice Industries | NJ | Amanda | All... | Sales Manager | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1391 | Richman Chemical Inc. | PA | John | Ave... | Project Manager, Custom Service | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1392 | Richman Chemical Inc. | PA | Christopher | Kul... | Chief Operating Officer | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1393 | Richman Chemical Inc. | PA | Tess | Str... | Project Manager, Custom Service | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1394 | Richman Chemical Inc. | PA | Brian | Wat... | Director of Toll Manufacturing Se | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1395 | Rierden Chemical & Trading | IL | Aaron | Eck... | Territory Manager | 05/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1396 | Rierden Chemical & Trading | IL | Jonathan | Rie... | Vice President | 05/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1397 | RiKarbon, Inc. | DE | Arvind | Nan... | COO | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1398 | Rikutec America | SC | Andreas | Amb... | President | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1399 | RIKUTEC America, Inc. | SC | Stefanie | Kai... | Operations Manager | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1400 | RMPDS | CO | Mario | Vig... | RMPDS Health Manager | 02/13/2024 | Attendee |
1401 | Rochester Sensors | Ireland | Sean | Gan... | Chief Sales Officer | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1402 | Rock Chemicals, Inc. | PA | Armon | Agh... | President | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1403 | Rockpoint Capital | NY | Nate | Abe... | Managing Partner | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
1404 | Rousselet-Robatel | MA | Rob | Dri... | Senior Application Engineer | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1405 | Row2 Technologies Inc. | NJ | Anand | Ram... | VP - Sales | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1406 | ROW2 Technologies, Inc. | NJ | Swati | Saw... | Vice President- Business Strategy | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
1407 | Rowland Materials Company | CA | Ivan | Shi | General Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1408 | Royal Chemical Company | OH | Nick | Das... | Senior Account Manager | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1409 | Royal Chemical Company | OH | Paul | Fil... | Director of Corporate Customer | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1410 | Royal Chemical Company | OH | Nick | Lam... | Vice Presidentof Sales | 06/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1411 | S&P Global | NY | Greg | Hud... | Solutions Engineer | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1412 | S&P Global | NY | Jack | Lyn... | Account Executive | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1413 | S.R.I. Technologies Inc. | GA | Vikram | Sri... | Director of Product Development | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1414 | SABEU | MI | Jennifer | Hug... | General Manager, the Americas | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1415 | Sabin Metal Corporation | NY | Dan | Fis... | Sales Manager | 01/19/2024 | Attendee |
1416 | Sachem Inc | TX | Ryan | Joh... | Midwestern Regional Account Ma | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1417 | Sachem Inc. | TX | Donald | Sta... | Global Procurement Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1418 | SACHEM, Inc. | TX | Jonathan | Woe... | Sales Director | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1419 | Safe Foods Chemical | AR | Robby | Cal... | Purchasing Manager | 02/22/2024 | Attendee |
1420 | Safe Foods Chemical | AR | Melynda | Pau... | Sr Buyer | 02/22/2024 | Attendee |
1421 | Sage | NY | Randy | Lyo... | Strategic Account Manager | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1422 | Sainor | GA | Jyotsna | Tal... | Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1423 | Sainor | GA | Dilip | Udd... | Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1424 | Sajjan | Germany | Matthias | Hel... | Senior Director | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
1425 | Sajjan | India | Rajesh | Sri... | CEO & MD | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
1426 | SAMOA Industrial | NC | Jim | Art... | Business Development Director | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1427 | SantoLubes LLC | SC | Jeter | Sta... | VP Operations and Business Devel | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1428 | Santolubes Manufacturing | SC | Bonnie | Sta... | Assistannt Chemist | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1429 | SantoLubes Manufacturing | SC | Brandon | Tho... | Sales Representative | 05/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1430 | Sasol | Germany | Klaus | Kwe... | Snr. Mgr. Market Development A | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
1431 | Sasol | LA | Gift | Met... | Research Scientist | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1432 | Sasol | Germany | Bassam | Tan... | Global Sales | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1433 | Sasol Chemicals | WA | Lidia | Smo... | NA Distribution Manager | 03/22/2024 | Attendee |
1434 | SBM Life Science | FL | Mario | Avd... | Sourcing Specialist | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1435 | SBM Life Science | NC | Britt | Bak... | Head of R&D - NA | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
1436 | SBM Life Science | NC | Karina | Enc... | Sr Sourcing Specialist | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1437 | SBM Life Science | NC | Matthew | Fra... | Head of NA Supply Chain and Ope | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1438 | SBM Life Science | TX | Jordan | Jam... | Quality Assurance Manager | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
1439 | SBM Life Science | NC | Ronald | Lut... | Tolling Director | 02/26/2024 | Attendee |
1440 | SBM Life Science | TX | Pearly | Sim | Director of Sourcing | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1441 | SC CHEM | SC | Maria | Bat... | Sr. Sales Manager | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1442 | SC CHEM | SC | Frank | Fis... | President | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1443 | SC CHEM | SC | Brittany | Fis... | Marketing Specialist | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1444 | SC CHEM | SC | Colleen | Hor... | Marketing Director | 03/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1445 | SC CHEM | SC | Taylor | Tit... | Business Manager | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1446 | Schirm USA, Inc. | TX | Owen | Ker... | Owen | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1447 | Schirm USA, Inc. | TX | Chad | Ker... | President & CEO | 08/31/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1448 | Schirm USA, Inc. | TX | Rebecca | Rod... | Chief Operations Officer | 08/31/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1449 | Schirm USA, Inc. | TX | Diamond | Rod... | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff | |
1450 | Schirm USA, LLC | TX | Brad | Leo... | Plant Manager | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1451 | Schirm USA, LLC | TX | Adam | Ruc... | Plant Manager | 05/14/2024 | Attendee |
1452 | Schuetz Container Systems, I | NJ | Brian | Cla... | Regional Sales Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1453 | Schuetz Container Systems, I | NJ | Dan | Den... | Regional Sales Mgr. | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1454 | Schuetz Container Systems, I | NJ | John | Mil... | Regional Sales Mgr. | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1455 | SCHWING Technologies | NJ | Andrew | Dic... | Sales | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1456 | SCHWING Technologies | NJ | Michael | Rob... | Process Technology | 06/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1457 | SCT | GA | Frank | Wag... | VP Business Development | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
1458 | SCT | GA | Chris | Woo... | Director of Operations | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
1459 | seaco america | TX | michel | lou... | marketing director americas - tan | 04/22/2024 | Attendee |
1460 | Seatex LLC | TX | John | Fri... | Senior Sales Director | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1461 | Seatex LLC | TX | Jonathan | O’D... | President & CEO | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1462 | Seatex LLC | TX | Clay | Pac... | President – Commercial and Tech | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1463 | Seatex LLC | TX | Amanda | Sut... | Director - Business Development | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1464 | Secutek Technology Ltd | TX | Leo | Hao | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1465 | SePRO Corporation | NC | Bill | Whi... | Vice President of Operations | 06/01/2024 | Attendee |
1466 | SFCI | AR | David | For... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1467 | Sharpsville Container | PA | Charles | Bac... | Director Market Development | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1468 | Sharpsville Container | PA | Bill | Car... | Engineering Director | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1469 | Sharpsville Container | PA | Harris | Rog... | VP Sales & Supply Chain | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1470 | SharpTech USA, LLC | VA | John | Sha... | President | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1471 | Show Me Ethanol | MO | Ryan | Kin... | Alcohol Sales Director | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1472 | Shreenika | CA | Jeff | Ehr... | Chief Operating Officer | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1473 | Shrieve Chemical Products, I | TX | VERONICA | MCF... | PURCHASING MANAGER | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1474 | Siebtechnik Tema, Inc. | OH | Gary | Fol... | Sales Manager | 10/30/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1475 | Siebtechnik-Tema | OH | Jeff | Sul... | Sales Engineer | 10/30/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1476 | Siemens | TN | Benjamin | Mil... | DCS Engineer | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1477 | Siemens Industry, Inc. | NC | Cindy | Gor... | Application Engineer | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1478 | Siemens Industry, Inc. | NY | Jonas | Nor... | Marketing Manager | 05/10/2024 | Attendee |
1479 | Siemens Industry, Inc. | TX | Etiene | Sil... | Pre-sales Consultant | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1480 | Siemens Industry, Inc. | GA | Vince | Tou... | Business Development Specialist - | 05/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1481 | Silver Fern Chemical | SC | Brandon | Fra... | Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1482 | Silver Fern Chemical Inc | CA | Matthew | Fra... | Account Manager | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1483 | Silver Fern Chemical Inc | CA | Esther | Kan... | Supply Chain and Sourcing Manag | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1484 | Silver Fern Chemical Inc | WA | Sam | Kin... | President | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1485 | Silverson | MA | Zachary | Ple... | Internal Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1486 | Silverson | MA | Matt | Smi... | Global Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1487 | Sinova Specialties Inc. | FL | Johannes | Hec... | Business Development | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1488 | Sipcam Agro Solutions LLC | NC | Chris | Cod... | Dir. of Innovation, Production & | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1489 | Sipcam Agro Solutions LLC | NC | Bryan | Gru... | Plant Manager | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1490 | Sipcam Agro Solutions LLC | NC | Brett | Hei... | Manager of Tolling & Productivity | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1491 | Sipcam Agro Solutions LLC | NC | Brent | Mar... | CEO/COO | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1492 | Sipcam Agro Solutions LLC | NC | Jaime | You... | Customer Service Manage | 02/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1493 | Skuchain | MI | Shobhit | Dat... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
1494 | Skuchain Inc | CA | Nishant | Sha... | Product Strategy Intern | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1495 | SMC Global | NJ | Allan | Gol... | North American Product Manager | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1496 | SMC Global | NC | Greg | How... | Business Manager | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
1497 | SMC GLOBAL | NY | Michael | Nor... | DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS MANAG | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
1498 | SNF Holding Company | GA | Mindy | Gri... | Sr. Buyer | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
1499 | SNF Holding Company | GA | Mallory | Mon... | Sr. Procurement Manager | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
1500 | SNF Holding Company | GA | Steven | Sch... | Director of Procurement | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
1501 | SNF Water Science | GA | Tony | And... | Business Development Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1502 | Snyder Industries | NE | Peter | Car... | President | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1503 | Snyder Industries | NE | Troy | Lau... | National Accounts Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1504 | Snyder Industries | NE | Jason | Len... | National Accounts Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1505 | Snyder Industries | NE | Mike | Mel... | 06/27/2024 | Attendee | |
1506 | SOCMA | VA | Joe | Det... | VP, Manufacturing & Commercial | 03/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1507 | SOCMA | VA | Jenny | Gai... | VP, Membership | 03/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1508 | SOCMA | VA | Amber | Thi... | Sr. Director, Industry Relations | 01/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1509 | Solbritt Chemsynth | Canada | Ashvin | Pat... | director | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1510 | Solenis LLC | GA | Ted | Via... | Sr. Director Global Sourcing | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1511 | Solutions Contract Packaging | TX | Todd | Bar... | Production Mgr | 05/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1512 | Solutions Contract Packaging | TX | Keith | McC... | President | 05/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1513 | Solvay | NJ | Dominick | Can... | Market Development Manager | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
1514 | Solvay | NJ | Ercan | Uen... | Business Manager Fluorinated Int | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
1515 | SOLVCHEM, INC. | TX | Tony | Ple... | Director of Custom Packaging | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1516 | SOLVCHEM, INC. | TX | Kyle | Wil... | Vice President- Custom Packaging | 04/24/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1517 | SONEAS CHEMICALS LTD | Hungary | Peter | Acs | General Manager | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
1518 | SONEAS CHEMICALS LTD | Hungary | amit | raj... | Commercial Operations Director | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
1519 | Soterra Capital | TX | Phillip | Cup... | Associate | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
1520 | Sound Agriculture | CA | John | Ril... | VP Manufacturing and Supply | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
1521 | Sound Agriculture Company | NC | Fred | Koe... | Director of Manufacturing | 04/22/2024 | Attendee |
1522 | Source Dynamics LLC | AZ | Erik | Bra... | Supply Chain and New Product De | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
1523 | Source Dynamics LLC | AZ | Mana | Hos... | Purchasing | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
1524 | South Coast Terminals | TX | David | Hea... | Advisor | 05/31/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1525 | South Coast Terminals | TX | Larry | Ito | Director- Business Development | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1526 | Southern Chemical & Textile | GA | Jack | Dra... | Vice President of Sales | 02/16/2024 | Attendee |
1527 | Southwest Research Institute | TX | Rico | Ule... | Mechanical Engineer | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1528 | Southwest Research Institute | TX | Stephen | War... | Manager R&D | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1529 | Sparkler Filters Inc | TX | Brendan | Sie... | Sales Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1530 | Speciality Chem. Magazine | PA | Gregory | Mor... | North American Editor | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1531 | Specialty & Agro Chemicals America | PA | Tom | Lea... | Owner | 01/10/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1532 | Specialty & Agro Chemicals America | TX | Sherri | Sim... | Exhibitor Services | 04/18/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1533 | Specialty Granules LLC | MD | Jacob | Mos... | Purchasing Manager | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
1534 | Specialty Granules LLC | MD | Amy | San... | Commodity Manager | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
1535 | Spectra Colors Corp | NJ | Christopher | Alm... | General Manager | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1536 | Spectra Colors Corp | NJ | Deborah | Mor... | Account Manager | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1537 | Spectra Colors Corp | NJ | Diane | O'H... | Account Manager | 04/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1538 | Spectrum Specialty Chemicals | PA | Dharmesh | Des... | GM North America | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
1539 | Spectrum Specialty Chemicals | PA | Parindu | Meh... | Partner | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
1540 | SSR | TN | Alicia | Dau... | Principal | 04/24/2024 | Attendee |
1541 | Stainless Fab | MO | Kristin | Miz... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
1542 | Stainless Fabrication, Inc. | MO | Keith | Miz... | Sales Manager | 03/27/2024 | Attendee |
1543 | Stanley A. Sojka | NY | Stanley | Soj... | Consultant | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1544 | StarChem LLC | SC | Jack | Bar... | Business Development Manager | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1545 | StarChem LLC | SC | Ralph | Boe | Sales Management | 06/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1546 | StarChem LLC | SC | Mason | Sch... | Business Development Manager | 06/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1547 | Starchem USA LLC | FL | Ricardo | Miy... | Head Astronaut | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1548 | State Contract Manufacturing | OH | Ashley | Gra... | Contract Manufacturing Account | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1549 | State Contract Manufacturing | OH | Jared | Kni... | Process Engineer | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1550 | Stellar Manufacturing | IL | David | OBr... | Dir. of Business Development | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
1551 | Stellar Manufacturing | IL | Ben | Wod... | Vice President & General Mgr. | 05/03/2024 | Attendee |
1552 | Stepan Company | IL | David | All... | Vice President - Crop Productivity | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1553 | Stepan Company | IL | Brian | Fra... | Global Sales Director Agricultural | 01/26/2024 | Attendee |
1554 | Stepan Company | IL | Michael | Hen... | Category Manager - Contract Ma | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1555 | Stepan Company | IL | Laura | Ols... | Business Manager | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
1556 | Stepan Company | NC | Ed | She... | Account Executive | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1557 | Stepan Company | IL | Nathan | Sho... | Sales Director | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1558 | Stepan Company | IL | Alec | Sim... | Senior Account Executive | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1559 | Stepan Company | FL | Frank | Sta... | Senior Sales Executive | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
1560 | Stepan Company | IL | Jake | Wyn... | Sr. Sales Representation | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1561 | Stepan Oilfield Solutions | TX | David | Wal... | Sales Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1562 | Steri Technologies | NY | Garrett | Ber... | Director – Sales & Business Devel | 01/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1563 | Steri Technologies | NY | Kathy | Col... | Chief Commercial Officer | 06/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1564 | Steri Technologies | NY | Jamie | Har... | President | 06/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1565 | Steri Technologies | NY | Clemens | Nig... | Business Development | 06/14/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1566 | Sterling Specialty Chemicals | NC | Peter | DeM... | Regional Sales Manager | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
1567 | Sterling Specialty Chemicals | TX | Andrea | Got... | Commercial Director, Industrial | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
1568 | Stolthaven New Orleans | LA | Kelly | Ful... | Sr. Account Manager | 06/06/2024 | Attendee |
1569 | SUDOC | PA | Ben | Bar... | Process Chemist | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1570 | SUDOC | PA | Matthew | Mil... | Director of R&D | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1571 | Sulphur Crop Care Pvt Ltd | India | Hardil | Sha... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
1572 | Sulzer | Switzerland | Ilaria | De ... | Product Line Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1573 | Sulzer Chemtech | TX | Lennis | Per... | Sr. Outside Sales | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1574 | Sulzer Chemtech | GA | Erik | Wie... | Regional Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1575 | Summit Agro USA, LLC | NC | Kim | Pop... | Operations Finance Manager | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
1576 | Sun Chemical | NC | Allan | Nea... | Key Account Mgr. & Director, Age | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1577 | SUNTTON / DYNAMIC NA INC | CT | Luke | Ver... | Business Director | 03/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1578 | Superior Engineering | OH | Ryan | Mye... | Sales/Commercial Manager | 05/19/2024 | Attendee |
1579 | Superior Engineering, LLC | IN | Paul | Woj... | Director of Business Developmen | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1580 | Superior Fabrication Group | WI | Rob | Pol... | Chief Marketing & Sales Officer | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
1581 | Superior Industrial Solution | SC | Jayson | Bla... | General Manager | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
1582 | Superior Industrial Solution | IN | Shane | Cli... | Vice President | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1583 | Superior Industrial Solution | IN | Beau | Ful... | Technical Sales | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1584 | Superior Industrial Solution | IN | Mike | Sul... | Sales Development Manager | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
1585 | Surry Chemicals | NC | Larry | Lic... | Director of Laboratory Operation | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1586 | Sustainable Sciences | IN | Jim | Kea... | SVP, Business Development | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1587 | Sustainable Sciences Pvt Ltd | India | Abhijeet | Bir... | Managing Director & Founder | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1588 | Suttons International | NJ | April | Dan... | Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1589 | Suttons International | NJ | Ronald | Emm... | Sales Manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1590 | Syensqo | NJ | Aziz | Bou... | Toll Manufacturing Manager | 03/29/2024 | Attendee |
1591 | Syensqo | NJ | William | Lom... | Procurement Manager-Tolling&Di | 04/17/2024 | Attendee |
1592 | Syensqo (formerly Solvay) | NJ | Krish | Sha... | Business Develop Mgr, NA | 05/15/2024 | Attendee |
1593 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Brian | Bro... | Tolling Production Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1594 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Daniel | Car... | Packaging Procurement Team Lea | 04/12/2024 | Attendee |
1595 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Julian | Gre... | Procurement Manager, Packaging | 04/11/2024 | Attendee |
1596 | Syngenta Crop Protection | TN | Matt | Hal... | Sr. Regional Category Manager - | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
1597 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Scott | Har... | Head, Direct Procurement North | 06/03/2024 | Attendee |
1598 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Andrew | Joh... | Tolling Production Manager | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1599 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Steven | Jos... | Tolling Production Manager | 03/25/2024 | Attendee |
1600 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Amanda | Pop... | Tolling Production Manager | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1601 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Roy | RIG... | Tolling Production Manager | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1602 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Taylor | Row... | Strategic Category Manager | 04/08/2024 | Attendee |
1603 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Laramie | Sca... | Tolling Production Manager | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1604 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Felisha | Ves... | North America Tolling Manager | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1605 | Syngenta Crop Protection | NC | Adam | Voi... | Tolling Team Lead | 02/21/2024 | Attendee |
1606 | Synonym Inc. | NY | Kelsey | Wei... | Strategy & Partnerships | 03/20/2024 | Attendee |
1607 | SynQuest Laboratories | FL | Reed | Jac... | Director of Operiations | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1608 | Synquest Labs | FL | Paul | Maz... | President/CEO | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1609 | Synsus | TX | Greg | Cra... | CEO | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
1610 | Syntha Group | NC | Cres | Cal... | Chief Strategy Officer | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
1611 | T2 Chem Cosmetics | TX | dung | Tu | manager | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1612 | T2 Chem Cosmetics | TX | Tommy | Tu | CEO | 03/31/2024 | Attendee |
1613 | T2 Chem Cosmetics | TX | Hung | Tu | Chemist | 03/31/2024 | Attendee |
1614 | Tate Metalworks, Inc. | SC | Ryan | Cob... | Business Development Manager | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1615 | TCP Analytical | NC | Nate | Mey... | President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1616 | Technologie Inovaweld Inc | Canada | MICHEL | LEV... | VP SALES & MARKETING | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1617 | TechTevo Chemical LLC | GA | Azhar | Awa... | Technology Manager | 02/07/2024 | Attendee |
1618 | Tellus BIOPOLYMERS | WA | K.C. | Kuy... | Director - Biopolymer Technology | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1619 | TensTech Inc | NC | Thomas | The... | Technical Director | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
1620 | TETRA Chemicals | TX | Kent | Bro... | Director of Marketing & Sales | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1621 | Texas Molecular LP | TX | Justin | Dun... | Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1622 | Texas Molecular LP | TX | Stephen | Fra... | National Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1623 | Texas Molecular LP | TX | Brad | Pet... | Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1624 | Thames river chemical | Canada | Mena | Han... | sales manager | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1625 | Thames river chemical | Canada | Pier-Olivier | Mar... | product manager | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1626 | Thatcher Company | UT | Curt | New... | Industry Manager - Agriculture | 03/08/2024 | Attendee |
1627 | The Chemical Company | RI | Raymond | Alt... | Vice President of Business Develo | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1628 | The Chemical Company | RI | Steve | Fri... | Sales Representative | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1629 | The Chemical Company | RI | Nicole | Gre... | Inside Sales Manager | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1630 | The Chemical Company | RI | Cory | Mul... | Sales & Product Manager | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1631 | The Chemical Company | RI | Ben | Saw... | Sales & Marketing | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1632 | The Elm Press, Inc. | CT | Vic | Los... | President | 03/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1633 | The Lewis Chemical Company | GA | Andrew | Aki... | President / CFO | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1634 | The Lewis Chemical Company | GA | Megan | Gle... | VP of Procurement | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1635 | The Lewis Chemical Company | GA | Matthew | Jon... | Business Development Manager | 06/12/2024 | Attendee |
1636 | The Lewis Chemical Company | GA | Kevin | Kin... | V.P. Sales & Marketing | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1637 | The Lewis Chemical Company | GA | Holly | Kin... | VP of Technology | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1638 | The Logistix Company | RI | Brian | Bur... | Sales | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1639 | The Logistix Company | RI | Joe | Has... | Sales | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1640 | The Logistix Company | RI | Jameson | Mie... | Special Projects Manager | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1641 | The Meadows Group llc | TX | jeff | sad... | Beneficial Reuse | 06/10/2024 | Attendee |
1642 | The Reserve Group | OH | Keith | Mor... | VP | 06/27/2024 | Attendee |
1643 | The Whitaker Company | FL | Steven | Poz... | Sales Manager | 05/26/2024 | Attendee |
1644 | The Whitaker Company | SC | Rick | Ste... | Sales | 01/24/2024 | Attendee |
1645 | The Young Industries Inc. | PA | Todd | Kau... | Sales Manager | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1646 | The Young Industries Inc. | PA | Charles | Ker... | Application Specialist | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1647 | The Young Industries Inc. | PA | Jack | She... | Sales Representative | 05/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1648 | Third Coast | TX | HL | Bar... | Engineering and Reaction Directo | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1649 | Third Coast | TX | Grif | Car... | VP Asset Commercialization | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1650 | Third Coast | TX | Mike | De ... | Business Development | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
1651 | Third Coast | TX | Matt | Hoe... | Sales Manager, TCC | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1652 | Third Coast | TX | Marta | Vas... | Business Development | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1653 | Third Coast Bank | TX | Bill | Bob... | Chief Banking Officer | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
1654 | Third Coast Bank | TX | Nathan | For... | Director, Business Development, | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
1655 | Third Coast Bank | TX | Trey | Rom... | Executive Vice President | 03/26/2024 | Attendee |
1656 | Tide International USA, Inc | CA | Charles | Guo | Product Development Director | 05/21/2024 | Attendee |
1657 | Tilley Distribution, Inc. | MD | Alex | Ame... | Territory Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1658 | Tilley Distribution, Inc. | MD | Jim | Cal... | Director, Product Development | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1659 | Tilley Distribution, Inc. | MD | Bob | Hal... | Vice President, Product Line Deve | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1660 | Tilley Distribution, Inc. | MD | Andrew | Nov... | Territory Account Manager | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1661 | Titanium Industries | FL | Chad | Boa... | Account Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1662 | TM Capital | NY | Anthony | Gio... | Managing Director | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |
1663 | Toll Solutions | SC | Maura | Mil... | 06/25/2024 | Attendee | |
1664 | Toll Solutions, LLC | SC | Jesse | Hel... | VP of Technology | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1665 | Toll Solutions, LLC | SC | Tony | Jon... | VP of Sales | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1666 | Toll Solutions, LLC | SC | Bill | Jos... | Director of Purchasing | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1667 | Toll Solutions, LLC | SC | Trevor | Kin... | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff | |
1668 | Toll Solutions, LLC | SC | Pat | Mil... | VP of Operations | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1669 | Toll Solutions, LLC | SC | Joseph | Wil... | President | 06/20/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1670 | Toray International America | NY | Takashi | His... | General Manager | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1671 | Toray International America | NY | Angelica | Var... | Account Executive | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1672 | Tosoh USA | OH | Michael | Eas... | Business Development Manager | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1673 | Tosoh USA | OH | Chuck | Mat... | Business Manager | 05/09/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1674 | toXcel, LLC | VA | Lisa | Dav... | Regulatory Specialist | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
1675 | Traeger Brothers | TX | Jonathan | Hal... | Business Development Manager | 06/20/2024 | Attendee |
1676 | TRCC Custom & Specialty Chem | GA | Gary | Col... | North American Grease and Lubri | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1677 | TRCC Custom & Specialty Chem | GA | Jim | Hun... | Global Sales Director | 03/26/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1678 | TRCC Custom & Specialty Chem | NC | Greg | Mec... | Regional Sales Manager | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1679 | TRCC Custom & Specialty Chem | GA | Mark | Sel... | VP Specialty and Custom Chemica | 03/05/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1680 | Trecora | TX | David | Alt... | Business Manager - Specialty Pro | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1681 | Trecora | TX | Acacia | Gar... | Customer Service Coordinator | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1682 | TRG | IL | James | Gar... | Sales Representative | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1683 | TRG | IL | Ken | Hir... | Vice President of Sales | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1684 | TRI Rinse, Inc. | MO | Jennifer | Bec... | Supply Chain and Scheduling | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1685 | TRI Rinse, Inc. | MO | James | Fun... | Chief Operations Officer | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1686 | TRI Rinse, Inc. | MO | Mike | Kam... | Vice President of Sales | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1687 | TRI Rinse, Inc. | MO | Clint | Sho... | President | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1688 | TRI Rinse, Inc. | MO | John | Wri... | Operations Manager | 06/14/2024 | Attendee |
1689 | Tri-Chem Specialty Chemicals | TX | Austin | Hol... | President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1690 | Tri-Chem Specialty Chemicals | TX | Lawson | Pet... | Vice President | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1691 | Tricor Metals | OH | Jim | Lei... | Market Manager | 11/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1692 | Tricor Metals | OH | Bill | Put... | Field Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1693 | Tricor Metals | OH | Keith | Qui... | Market Manager | 11/27/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1694 | Trinity Consultants | TX | Nathalle | Ash... | Senior Consultant | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1695 | Trinity Consultants | OH | Timothy | Gre... | Manager, Chemical Global Trade | 06/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1696 | Trinity Logistics | DE | Ashley | Lin... | Director of Sales | 04/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1697 | Trinity Logistics | DE | Jamie | Sat... | Business Development Team Lea | 04/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1698 | Tri-Sure | IL | Kyle | Nas... | Sales Manager | 04/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1699 | Trucent | MI | Michael | Bru... | Sales Manager | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1700 | Trucent Renewable Chemicals | MI | Brian | Des... | Director | 05/06/2024 | Attendee |
1701 | TrueNorth | CT | Yuka | Kim... | Director | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1702 | Truly Chemical | MI | David | Lyo... | President | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1703 | Trumont International | NY | Komail | Tha... | Managing Director | 03/01/2024 | Attendee |
1704 | Twin Rivers Technologies | MA | Michaela | Gia... | Account Manager | 11/09/2023 | Attendee |
1705 | Twin Rivers Technologies | GA | Garth | Leo... | VP Sales and Marketing | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1706 | Twin Rivers Technologies | MA | Carl | Ode... | Director of Sales | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
1707 | Tyler Chemical | TX | Gregg | Tyl... | President | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1708 | UKT Chicago, Inc | FL | Mikhail | Vla... | Business Development Manager | 05/08/2024 | Attendee |
1709 | Umicore PMC USA | OK | Phillip | Cha... | Director, Strategic Projects & Inn | 05/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1710 | Umicore PMC USA | OK | Don | Zen... | Director Business Development | 05/13/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1711 | Uncountable | NY | Deesha | Sha... | Business Development | 05/13/2024 | Attendee |
1712 | United Chemical | NJ | Hunter | Hac... | COO | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1713 | United Soybean Board | MI | Ray | Bal... | Commercialization Manager | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1714 | United Soybean Board | MI | John | Fis... | Market Development Manager | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1715 | United Soybean Board | MI | Kris | Wei... | Commercialization Manager | 05/23/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1716 | United Titanium | OH | David | LaB... | Industrial Sales | 03/21/2024 | Attendee |
1717 | Univar Solutions | GA | Zackery | Bur... | Account Manager - Southern Geo | 02/20/2024 | Attendee |
1718 | Univar Solutions | AZ | Amy | Car... | Sales Account Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1719 | Univar Solutions | TN | Sherry | Pil... | Sr. Sales Account Manager | 02/23/2024 | Attendee |
1720 | Univar Solutions | TX | Abdelaziz | Rah... | Application Development Speciali | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
1721 | Univar Solutions | TX | Tadd | Wor... | Product Development Analyst | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
1722 | Univar Solutions-MagnaBlend | TX | Evan | Bar... | Sales | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1723 | Univar Solutions-MagnaBlend | TX | Amy | Bro... | Application Development Speciali | 06/03/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1724 | Univar Solutions-MagnaBlend | TN | Christian | Jeu... | U.S. Business Development Mana | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1725 | Univar Solutions-MagnaBlend | TX | Ruben | Nie... | Application Development Speciali | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1726 | UPM Raflatac | NC | David | Car... | Product Manager | 05/31/2024 | Attendee |
1727 | Uquifa | Mexico | Angel | Con... | Head of R & D | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
1728 | US Container Depot | FL | Eric | Dun... | VP of ISO Tank Operations | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1729 | US Container Depot | FL | Natasha | Red... | SE Regional Manager | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1730 | VA Economic Dev Partnership | VA | Michael | Evr... | Business Manager | 05/09/2024 | Attendee |
1731 | Valent BioSciences | IL | John | Bra... | Contract Manufacturing Engineeri | 04/23/2024 | Attendee |
1732 | Valent USA | CA | john | kee... | Sr Director, Supply Chain | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
1733 | Valent USA, LLC | CA | Michele | Sea... | Sr. Manager, Purchasing, and Pro | 05/20/2024 | Attendee |
1734 | VALENTINE CHEMICALS, LLC | LA | HUGH | CAF... | GENERAL MANAGER | 09/05/2023 | Attendee |
1735 | VALENTINE CHEMICALS, LLC | LA | William | Str... | President | 09/05/2023 | Attendee |
1736 | Valley Chemical Solutions | TN | Ken | Dre... | Director of Distributor Sales | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1737 | Valley Chemical Solutions | TN | David | San... | Area Sales Manager | 04/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1738 | Valudor Products | CA | Elizabeth | Alo... | Account Manager | 06/21/2024 | Attendee |
1739 | Valudor Products, LLC | TN | Scott | Dun... | Senior Account Manager | 03/19/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1740 | Valudor Products, LLC | CA | Rosco | Saz... | Product Manager, Industrial Che | 11/22/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1741 | Valudor Products, LLC | CA | Angie | Sch... | VP Commercial | 11/22/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1742 | Valudor Products, LLC | CA | Michelle | Tun... | VP, Supply Chain & Operations | 03/19/2024 | Attendee |
1743 | VAN HORN METZ | PA | RANDY | BUM... | Regional Sales Manager | 11/30/2023 | Attendee |
1744 | VAN HORN METZ | PA | Andy | Gre... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1745 | Van Horn Metz & Co., Inc. | PA | BARRETT | FIS... | President | 11/30/2023 | Attendee |
1746 | VanDeMark Chemical | FL | Christopher | Klu... | Director, New Product & Business | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1747 | VanDeMark Chemical Inc. | NY | Maria | Hal... | Chief Commercial Officer | 12/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1748 | VanDeMark Chemical Inc. | NY | Rafael | Man... | Account Manager | 12/12/2023 | Exhibit Staff |
1749 | Vantage | IL | Julian | Gre... | Product Management and Market | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1750 | Vantage | IL | Christopher | Lyo... | Business Development Manager | 05/15/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1751 | Vantage Oleochemicals | IL | Bob | Neg... | Strategic Account Manager | 05/17/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1752 | Vantage Specialty Chemical | IL | Courtney | Pet... | Sales Development Manager | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1753 | Vantage Specialty Chemicals | IL | Brian | New... | Sales Manager | 05/22/2024 | Attendee |
1754 | Veolia North America | GA | Les | Har... | Strategy and Growth Manager | 06/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1755 | Veolia North America | GA | Kabir | Man... | Account Manager | 06/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1756 | Veolia Technical Solutions | GA | Tangie | Mcd... | 06/25/2024 | Exhibit Staff | |
1757 | VeoliaES Technical Solutions | OH | James | Red... | Product Line Manager | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1758 | Verdesian Life Sciences | KS | Bob | Bun... | VP Procurement | 02/23/2024 | Attendee |
1759 | Vertec BioSolvents | IL | Skip | Lau... | CEO | 06/26/2024 | Attendee |
1760 | Viakem, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | Jose | Ber... | CEO | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1761 | Viakem, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | Andres | Gar... | Key Account Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1762 | Viakem, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | Hugo | Her... | Chief Commercial Officer | 04/26/2024 | Attendee |
1763 | Viridis Chemical | IN | Patrick | Kil... | President & CEO | 05/17/2024 | Attendee |
1764 | Vitusa Products | GA | Craig | Fis... | SE Sales Manager | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1765 | Vitusa Products, Inc. | NC | Joe | DeS... | Sales & Product Manager | 04/06/2024 | Attendee |
1766 | Vivify | GA | Mike | Yoc... | Business Development | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1767 | Vivify Company | IL | Bob | Cla... | National Accounts Manager | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1768 | Vivify Company | IL | Shaun | Mue... | Vice President - Technical | 05/28/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1769 | VLS Environmental Solutions | TX | Logan | Fra... | Account Manager | 01/30/2024 | Attendee |
1770 | VLS Texas Molecular | TX | Jimmy | Bra... | Vice President Sales Hazardous W | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1771 | VLS Texas Molecular | TX | Lisa | Bro... | Account Manager | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1772 | VLS Texas Molecular | TX | Callie | Gul... | Account Manager | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1773 | VLS Texas Molecular | TX | Beau | Hos... | Account Manager | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1774 | VLS Texas Molecular | TX | Frank | Mar... | Business Development | 05/30/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1775 | Voovio Technologies | TX | Ryan | LeR... | Business Development Executive | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1776 | Voovio Technologies | TX | Christian | McD... | SVP Americas | 06/04/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1777 | VRC Technologies, Inc. | TX | Martin | Bei... | President & CEO | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
1778 | VRC Technologies, Inc. | TX | William | Dan... | Procurement Manager | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
1779 | VRC Technologies, Inc. | TX | Robert | Gre... | Agriculture | 04/02/2024 | Attendee |
1780 | VSP Technologies | VA | Taylor | Cla... | Sales Leader | 06/17/2024 | Attendee |
1781 | VSP Technologies | VA | Greg | Ric... | Regional Sales Development | 06/04/2024 | Attendee |
1782 | W. R. Grace & Co. | MD | Adam | Nom... | Business Development Manager | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1783 | WAB Group | NJ | Gab | Agu... | Area Sales Manager | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1784 | WAB Group | NJ | Daniel | Grs... | President | 02/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1785 | WAB GROUP | Switzerland | Gennadi | Paw... | Area Sales Manager | 06/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1786 | Wacker Chemical Corp | MI | Michael | God... | Senior Business Director | 12/20/2023 | Attendee |
1787 | Wacker Chemical Corp | MI | Drake | Nei... | Chemist | 12/20/2023 | Attendee |
1788 | Wacker Chemical Corp | MI | Raj | Pra... | Marketing Manager | 12/20/2023 | Attendee |
1789 | Water Solutions Unlimited | TN | Reb | Fer... | Director | 06/13/2024 | Attendee |
1790 | Watson-Marlow | MA | Blake | Bas... | Sales Engineer | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1791 | Watson-Marlow | MA | David | Coo... | Sales Engineer | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1792 | Watson-Marlow | MA | Rick | Pom... | Aflex Sales Manager | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1793 | Watson-Marlow | MA | David | Zie... | District Sales Manager - Industrial | 05/21/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1794 | Webb Chemical | MI | JOHN | HIL... | Sales Manager | 01/26/2024 | Attendee |
1795 | Webb Chemical Service Corp | MI | Kari | Mac... | Account Manager | 10/12/2023 | Attendee |
1796 | Wego | NY | Scott | McW... | Key Account Manager | 06/25/2024 | Attendee |
1797 | Wego Chemical Group | NY | Collin | Bre... | North America Sales Manager - In | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1798 | Wego Chemical Group | NY | James | Sam... | Global Product Manager | 05/30/2024 | Attendee |
1799 | Wego Chemical Group | NY | Roger | Wea... | Sales | 03/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1800 | Wells Fargo N.A | NY | William | Paw... | Managing Director | 04/17/2024 | Attendee |
1801 | Westlake Epoxies | PA | Nathan | Pro... | Senior Process Engineer | 06/19/2024 | Attendee |
1802 | Westlake Epoxy | TX | Tom | Pal... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1803 | WeylChem US | SC | Kevin | Dro... | VP of Commercial and Technolog | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1804 | WeylChem US | SC | Mike | Jun... | New Business Development Direc | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1805 | WeylChem US | SC | Andreas | Mai... | CEO & President Weylchem Grou | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1806 | WeylChem US | SC | Mark | Mat... | Chief Executive Officer, Weylche | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1807 | WeylChem US | SC | Will | McC... | Buyer | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1808 | WeylChem US | SC | Lori | McM... | Inside Sales Account Manager | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1809 | WeylChem US | SC | Cameron | You... | Sales and New Business Develop | 02/12/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1810 | Whitaker Company | SC | Johnny | Mid... | Technical Sales | 06/18/2024 | Attendee |
1811 | Whitaker Company | GA | James | Mot... | VP of Sales and Marketing | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1812 | Whitaker Company | GA | Bryan | Res... | National Account Manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1813 | Whitaker Group | NC | Josh | Tay... | Account Manager | 05/24/2024 | Attendee |
1814 | Wilbur Ellis | CA | Vincent | Yov... | Director of Enterprise Formulatio | 03/25/2024 | Attendee |
1815 | Wilbur-Ellis | FL | Mike | Cha... | Strategic Sourcing - Ag | 03/20/2024 | Attendee |
1816 | Wilbur-Ellis | CA | John | Fig... | Sr Director Strategic Sourcing | 05/07/2024 | Attendee |
1817 | Wilbur-Ellis | CA | Isaac | Fra... | Enterprise Supply Chain | 04/03/2024 | Attendee |
1818 | Wilbur-Ellis | CA | John | Mar... | Manager Strategic Sourcing | 03/28/2024 | Attendee |
1819 | WILBUR-ELLIS | CA | Tyrin | Qui... | Manager, Strategic Sourcing | 03/20/2024 | Attendee |
1820 | Wiley Companies | OH | Julie | Bra... | Master Planner | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1821 | Wiley Companies | OH | Todd | Joh... | CEO | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1822 | Wiley Companies | OH | Erica | Mes... | Marketing Coordinator | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1823 | Wiley Companies | OH | Lucas | Wat... | Sales Engineer | 05/29/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1824 | Wilson Chemical Solutions | IN | Doug | Den... | VP. | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1825 | Wilson Chemical Solutions | IN | Robert | War... | EHS Manager | 02/06/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1826 | Winfield Solutions | MN | Aaron | Ott... | 06/26/2024 | Attendee | |
1827 | Winfield United | WI | Danny | Bro... | R&D manager | 05/29/2024 | Attendee |
1828 | WinSynergy Chemical | TX | Ander | Bai... | Sales Director | 05/28/2024 | Attendee |
1829 | World Metal | TX | David | Amu... | Marketing Partner | 05/07/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1830 | WV Dept. of Econ Development | WV | Matt | Bal... | CEO & Executive Director, WV Re | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1831 | WV Dept. of Econ Development | WV | Kevin | DiG... | Executive Director, Chemical Allia | 04/02/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1832 | WV Dept. of Econ Development | WV | Charles | Dus... | CFO/COO, WV Regional Tech Park | 05/22/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1833 | WV Dept. of Econ Development | WV | Michael | Gar... | Manager, Business and Industrial | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1834 | WV Dept. of Econ Development | WV | Samantha | Smi... | Manager, Business and Industrial | 04/01/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1835 | Yashashvi Rasayan Pvt. Ltd. | India | Harsh | Pat... | Director | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1836 | Yashashvi Rasayan Pvt. Ltd. | India | Aarav | Pat... | Representative | 06/07/2024 | Attendee |
1837 | Yufeng America Corporation | CA | Lucy | Li | Vice President-Business develop | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1838 | Yufeng America Corporation | CA | Jim | Mo | Sales manager | 06/11/2024 | Exhibit Staff |
1839 | Zschimmer & Schwarz | GA | Daniella | Gal... | Sales Manager- Industrial Specialt | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
1840 | Zschimmer & Schwarz | GA | Tony | Mar... | Head of Business Unit Industrial S | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
1841 | Zschimmer & Schwarz | GA | Stephen | McK... | Sales Manager- Industrial Specialt | 10/11/2023 | Attendee |
1842 | Zschimmer & Schwarz | GA | Senthil Kumar | Mut... | Director of Operations | 06/05/2024 | Attendee |
1843 | Zschimmer & Schwarz | GA | Lori | Rog... | Strategic Procurement Manager | 04/18/2024 | Attendee |
1844 | ZymoChem | CA | Greg | Ger... | Vice President | 06/11/2024 | Attendee |